日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

Kyodan News:一覧

Shinto no Tomo (Believers’ Friend) —Reflections on 50 Years of Publication

By Yoshioka Mitsuhito, pastor Kichijoji Church, West Tokyo District Chief Editor, Shinto no Tomo   This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Kyodan publication Shinto no Tomo (Believers’ Friend), which was founded in April 1964, the year of the Tokyo Olympics and the beginning of a period of high economic growth in Japan. In the early stages of preparation for publication, the f……

Looking at Fukushima in the Light of Chernobyl A Report on the Study Tour to Chernobyl

plant accident, the National Christian Council in Japan's Project on the Issues of the Chernobyl Disaster has been organizing study tours, and with the cooperation of the NCCJ Peace and Nuclear Issues Committee, a seven-day Chernobyl Study Tour took place last September. One of the participants, a pastor of a church less than 25 kilometers from the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, sent the follow……

Aftereffects of Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Still Evident

Excerpts from the lecture of Dr. Dorte Siedentopf of the Evangelical Mission in Solidarity as published in the pamphlet the Kyodan’s International Conference of the East Japan Disaster held in March 2014   After the Chernobyl catastrophe on April 26, 1986, the German section of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), of which I am a member, agreed not only to……

An Easter Message from the Great East Japan Disaster Zone “Even now the risen Lord is going before you to Galilee.” (Mark 16:7)

by Konishi Nozomi, pastor Sendai-Kita Church, Miyagi, Sendai Tohoku District Moderator   Three years have passed since the Great East Japan Disaster, but we cannot report yet that its effects have ended. Even now, we continue to walk through the aftereffects of that disaster. On the other hand, through great effort we can see that there is real change.   In the New Test……

Message from the General Secretary: Executive Council Approves Move of Kyodan Offices

On Feb. 18, the proposal on the temporary move of the Kyodan General Office and other offices, Agenda Item 29, was approved at the fourth Executive Council meeting of the 38th General Assembly period (2013-14). The action relates to the current condition of the Japan Christian Center, in which the three offices of the Kyodan and other related organizations are located. As a result of the massive e……

Cultivating the Person on the Foundation of Christianity

by Sasaki Tetsuo, Religion Department head Tohoku Gakuin University, Sendai   Oshikawa Masayoshi, who had been baptized by missionary James Ballagh, worked together with missionaries W. E. Hoy and D. B. Schneder from the Reformed Church in the United States to establish Sendai Theological Seminary in 1886, 127 years ago.   The seminary was renamed Tohoku Gakuin University ……

The Hope Received from “Questions about Life” — The Foundations of Christian Education at Tohoku Gakuin University

by Akai Satoshi, 2010 graduate Christian Division, Department of Literature   What is the meaning of my life? Am I a person of worth? These are questions about life that everyone considers at some point in life.   I grew up in a non-Christian family and went to public schools up through high school.  Throughout my studies, I lived my life with these questions stored away i……

Remembering Annie May McLachlan, Educational Missionary to Shizuoka Eiwa Girl's School

This year (2014) marks the 127th year since the founding of Shizuoka Eiwa Girl's School. In this long history, the days during World War II were particularly difficult. The following is written to introduce the life of Annie May McLachlan, who contributed greatly to our school before, during, and after WWII.   1. From her first entry into Japan to her deportation Annie May McLachlan ……

Executive Council Approves Resolutions & Temporary Move of Kyodan Offices

The fourth Executive Council meeting of the present two-year general assembly period took place Feb. 17-18 at the Kyodan headquarters, with 29 of the 30 members in attendance. Following an opening worship service led by council member Fukaya Haruo, General Secretary Nagasaki Tetsuo gave a report on fundraising for the East Japan Disaster relief and reconstruction. Funds collected from within the c……

Nurturing People in India’s Rural Areas

Love must be completely sincere. Hate what is evil, hold on to what is good. Love one another warmly as Christian brothers, and be eager to show respect for one another. Work hard and do not be lazy. Serve the Lord with a heart full of devotion. (Romans: 12: 9-11) by Dr. Miura Teruo, Dean and Kyodan missionary Makino School of Continuing and Non-Formal Education (MSCNE) Sam Higgingbottom ……
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