この教会は見えない教会として存在するとともに、また見える教会として現存し、主イエス・キリストをその隅の首石とし、使徒と預言者との基の上 に建てられ、代々主の恩寵と真理とを継承して、福音を宣べ伝え、聖礼典を守って、主の来りたもうことを待ち望み、その聖旨を成しとげることを志すものである。
わが国における30余派の福音主義教会およびその他の伝統をもつ教会は、それぞれ分立して存在していた が、1941年(昭和16年)6月24日くすしき摂理のもとに御霊のたもう一致によって、おのおのその歴史的特質を尊重しつつ聖なる公同教会の 交わりに入るに至った。かくして成立したのが日本基督教団である。
第1条 | 本教団はイエス・キリストを首と仰ぐ公同教会であって、本教団の定める信仰告白を奉じ、教憲および教規の定めるところにしたがって、主の体たる公同教会の権能を行使し、その存立の使命を達成することをもって本旨とする。 |
第2条 | 本教団の信仰告白は、旧新約聖書に基づき、基本信条および福音的信仰告白に準拠して、1954年(昭和29年)10月26日第8回教団総会において制定されたものである。 |
第3条 | 削除 |
第4条 | 本教団は教憲および教規の定めるところにしたがって、会議制によりその政治を行う。 |
第5条 | 本教団は教団総会をもってその最高の政治機関とする。 本教団の教会的機能および教務は教団総会の決議ならびに教憲および教規の定めるところにしたがって、教団総会議長がこれを総括する。 |
第6条 | 本教団はその教会的機能および教務を遂行するために教区を置く。教区は教団所属教会の地域的共同体であって、 教区総会をもってその最高の政治機関とする。前々項の教会的機能および教務は教区総会の決議ならびに教憲および教規の定めるところにしたがって、教区総会 議長がこれを総括する。 |
第7条 | 本教団の所属教会は、本教団の信仰告白を奉じる者の団体であって、教会総会をもってその最高の政治機関とする。 教会の教会的機能および教務は教会総会の決議ならびに教憲および教規の定めるところにしたがって教会総会議長がこれを総括する。 教会総会の議長は教会担任教師がこれにあたる。 |
第8条 | 教会は主の日毎に礼拝を守り、時を定めて聖礼典を執行する。 礼拝は讃美・聖書朗読・説教・祈祷および献金等とする。 聖礼典はバプテスマおよび聖餐であって、按手礼を領した教師がこれをつかさどる。 |
第9条 | 本教団の教師は、神に召され正規の手続きを経て献身した者とする。教師はこれをわけて、正教師および補教師とする。正教師は按手礼を領した者、補教師は伝道の准允を受けた者とする。 |
第10条 | 本教団の信徒は、バプテスマを受けて教会に加えられた者とする。 |
第10条の2 | 本教団の教会役員は、教会総会において選ばれた者とする。 |
第11条 | 本教憲を施行するに必要な規定は、教規によってこれを定める。 前項の教規は教団総会において、出席議員3分の2以上の同意をもってこれを定めるものとする。 |
第12条 | 本教憲は、教団総会開会3箇月前に議案を公表し、教団総会において議員総数の3分の2以上が出席し、出席議員の3分の2以上の同意を得なければ、これを変更することができない。 |
1948年10月28日 第5回教団総会変更
1956年10月24日 第9回教団総会変更
1962年10月25日 第12回教団総会変更
1994年11月17日 第29回教団総会変更
(Official Translation under consideration April 4, 1968)
God, summoning from every land and people those whom, in Christ, it pleases Him to call, consecrates these people and reveals to them His grace and truth, bestowing upon them the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. This, then, is the holy catholic Church.
This Church, visible as well as invisible, established on the foundation of the prophets and apostles with the Lord throughout all generations, is committed to carrying out the will of God, by preaching the gospel, administering the sacraments, and awaiting in hope the return of the Lord.
On June 24, 1941, evangelical churches of over thirty formerly existing, independent denominations, as well as churches of other traditions in our country, through a unity given in the Holy Spirit under the wondrous providence of God, and having respect for one another’s unique historical characteristics, entered into the fellowship of the holy catholic Church. The Church thus formed is the United Church of Christ in Japan.
Article 1. | This United Church, being one with the catholic Church that honors Jesus Christ as its head, embracing the Confession of Faith established by this United Church and in conformity with the provisions of its Constitution and By-Laws, understands its true purpose to be the carrying out of the functions of the catholic Church, the Body of the Lord, the accomplishment of which is the mission for which it exists. |
Article 2. | The Confession of Faith of this United Church, grounded in the Old and New Testaments and conformed to the Ecumenical Creeds and to the evangelical Confessions of Faith, was enacted at the Eighth General Assembly of the United Church on October 26,1954. |
Article 3. | Rescinded. |
Article 4. | This United Church, in accordance with the provisions of its Constitution and By-Laws, shall conduct the administration of its affairs by means of an assembly system. |
Article 5. | The highest administrative organ of this United Church shall be the United Church General Assembly. The ecclesiastical functions and business of this United Church, to be conducted in accordance with the decisions of the United Church General Assembly and within the provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws, shall be under the supervision of the Moderator of the United Church General Assembly. |
Article 6. | This United Church, for the carrying out of its ecclesiastical functions and business, shall set up districts. The district is a regional group of churches belonging to this United Church General Assembly. The ecclesiastical functions and business mentioned in the first paragraph of this Article (6), to be conducted in accordance with the decisions of the District Assembly and within the provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws, shall be under the supervision of the Moderator of the District Assembly. |
Article 7. | A local church belonging to this United Church, being an organized body of people who embrace the Confession of Faith of this United Church, shall have as its highest administrative organ the local church congregational meeting. The ecclesiastical functions and business of the local church, to be conducted in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws, shall be under the supervision of the moderator of the local church congregational meeting. The moderator of the local church congregational meeting shall be the minister in charge of the local church. |
Article 8. | Local churches shall hold services of worship at the times they decide on every Lord’s Day and observe the sacraments. The service of worship shall consist of hymns, readings from Scripture, a sermon, prayers, an offering, etc. The sacraments consist of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, which are to be administered by ministers in full standing. |
Article 9. | Ministers of this United Church are persons who have been called of God and, having gone through the regular procedures established by this United Church, dedicate themselves to its service. Ministers are classified as ministers in full standing and licensed preachers. A minister in full standing is one who has received ordination; a licensed preacher is one who has been authorized to preach. |
Article 10. | Lay members of this United Church are persons who have received baptism and who are members of a local church. |
Article 10, Part 2. | The officers of the local churches of this United Church are persons chosen at the respective local church congregational meeting. |
Article 11. | Regulations necessary for the execution of this Constitution shall be provided in the By-Laws. The aforementioned By-Laws shall be adopted at the United Church General Assembly with the approval of at least two-thirds of the delegates present. Supplementary Rule. |
Article 12. |
This Constitution shall not be amended unless, three months prior to the opening of a United Church General Assembly, the proposed amendment shall have been publicly announced. General Assembly must be attended by at least two-thirds of the total delegates, and at least two-thirds of those in attendance must give their approval. |
Enacted at the Fourth United Church General Assembly, October 16, 1946
Revised at the Fifth United Church General Assembly, October 28, 1948
Amended at the Ninth United Church General Assembly, October 24, 1956
Amended at the Twelfth United Church General Assembly, October 25,1962
Amended at the Twenty-ninth United Church General Assembly, November 17,1994
In accordance with the Executive Committee action of Feb. 24, 1969, this English version is primarily for information and not to restrict the original meaning of the Japanese version.