日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

Kyodan News:一覧

【June 2016 No.388】Mission Planning Conference Highlights Evangelism

The 17th Kyodan Mission Planning Conference was held at Fujimicho Church, March 7-8, 2016, under the sponsorship of the Committee on Evangelism. The theme of the conference was “How will the Kyodan Promote Evangelism?” In addition to representatives of each committee of the Kyodan, the 83 participants included representatives from the districts and related schools as well as the top four Kyodan of……

【April 2016 No.387】Retrofitting of Japan Christian Center Completed

Construction on the earthquake-resistance upgrade to the Japan Christian Center building began in June 2015 and was completed by the end of February 2016.  The three boards of the Kyodan moved back from their temporary quarters in another part of the city and began operations again on March 14.  The general office of the Kyodan occupies the third floor, while the Board of Publications is on the fo……

【April 2016 No.387】Message from the General Secretary: Prayers to Cherish, Strengthen, and Support Each Other

The Kyodan Administrative Office, the Board of Publications, and the Board of Pensions start each day together with worship. The worship service begins by reading the scripture passage in “Higoto no Kate” (Daily Bread), a column written in Shinto no Tomo (Believers’ Friend). Then, the leader of the day prays about the daily prayer focus of the local churches. The leader of the day also remembers i……

【April 2016 No.387】Three Missionary Commissioning Services Held in January

On Jan. 7, the Commission on Ecumenical Ministries held a missionary commissioning service for the Rev. Koinuma Makiko in the Kyodan Conference Room. Executive Secretary Kato Makoto officiated, with the Rev. Akiyama Toru, chair of the Commission on Ecumenical Ministries, delivering the sermon.   Koinuma had served at Alto da Bondade Methodist Church in Olinda City in the state of Pernam……

【April 2016 No.387】Welcoming Newcomers to the Church

As Christians in Japan are small in number, churches are devising ways to welcome newcomers, such as through a church’s website and an Introduction to Christianity class. The following are excerpts from an article on this subject in the Kyodan’s monthly periodical Shinto no Tomo (Believers' Friend), which included some examples the opinions of persons who were once outside the church. (KNL Editori……

【April 2016 No.387】Akita Subdistrict Convenes 2nd Mission Conference

Akita Subdistrict held its second mission conference of the 2015-16 fiscal year at Akita Sakura Church on Saturday, Jan. 23, 2016. The topic was “To Do Evangelism Together in Akita, Working with Missionaries.”   Akita Subdistrict was created with the 1996 subdistrict reorganization of Ou District and is now celebrating its twentieth year. Akita has an aging population and low birth rate……

【April 2016 No.387】Freedom of Worship and Evangelism

The Kyodan commemorates “National Founding Day” (Feb. 11) as “Freedom of Religion Day” to promote freedom of religion and to pray for the Japanese nation and society that this freedom will be maintained.   by Kondo Katsuhiko, former president Tokyo Union Theological Seminary Associate Pastor of Ginza Church   According to mythology, as recorded in the Kojiki and Nihonsh……

【April 2016 No.387】Charity Concerts Performed for Disaster-Damaged Churches

by Iijima Makoto, executive secretary Kyodan East Japan Disaster Relief Project Relief Planning Headquarters   Following the first Charity Concert for the Disaster Area in the spring of 2013, a new series of charity concerts to aid damaged churches began in 2015. The Relief Planning Headquarters, which bore all expenses and sold the tickets, cosponsored each concert together with each l……

【April 2016 No.387】Emmaus Center, 5 Years After the East Japan Disaster

Emmaus Disaster Relief Center, in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, began the task of providing aid for survivors immediately after the disaster, and continues to do so. As more and more people are moving out of temporary housing, Emmaus is confronted with the needs of the people who are left behind.   by Kikuchi Mamoru, Emmaus staff member Kyodan Tohoku Disaster Relief Center Membe……

【April 2016 No.387】Executive Council Considers Financial and Procedural Matters

The fifth Executive Council meeting of the present two-year (39th) Kyodan General Assembly period was held Feb. 15-16 at Fujimicho Church in Tokyo, with all 30 members in attendance. General Secretary Nagasaki Tetsuo reported that the earthquake-resistant refitting of the Japan Christian Center was on schedule and that the various Kyodan offices would be moving back to the refurbished building bet……
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