日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

【April 2016 No.387】Charity Concerts Performed for Disaster-Damaged Churches


by Iijima Makoto, executive secretary Kyodan East Japan Disaster Relief Project Relief Planning Headquarters


Following the first Charity Concert for the Disaster Area in the spring of 2013, a new series of charity concerts to aid damaged churches began in 2015. The Relief Planning Headquarters, which bore all expenses and sold the tickets, cosponsored each concert together with each local church taking part in the program, with all proceeds then being applied to the repayment of the loans to those churches.


The first concert was held on Dec. 10, 2015 at Joban Church, followed by a concert at Chiba-Honcho Church on Jan. 22. Concerts were also planned at Asian Rural Institute on March 9, Yokohama Shiro Church on March 10 and Denenchofu Church on March 26.


The concert at Joban Church was a duet for violin and piano, with an audience of 112, requiring extra chairs in the church. At Chiba-Honcho Church, there were two performances: one for mothers and children as a matinee and the other in the evening. A total of 93 people (19 children and 74 adults) attended, raising 210,000 yen. As this church was not damaged in the earthquake, the proceeds were divided up and sent to the three districts that had damaged churches (Kanto, Tohoku, and Ou). The performers at this concert were a vocalist and two pianists, who are visually impaired twin sisters.


This charity concert program is getting into full swing during 2016, the final year of operations of the Relief Planning Headquarters. (Tr. KY)



救援対策本部担当幹事 飯島 信

2013年春より始まった被災地支援コンサート に続き、昨年冬から新たに被災教会支援のためのチャリティー・コンサートが始まった。主催は開催教会で、救援対策本部が共催する。チ ケットを販売し、演奏に関わる費用は本部が負担、チケット売り上げは全て被災した教会の貸付金返済のために用いられる。

昨年12月10日(木)の郡山教会を皮切りに、コンサートは1月22日(土)千葉本町教会、3月9日(水)アジア学院、10日(木)横浜指路教会、26日(土)田園調布教会と続く。郡山教会では、山口幸子さん(新日本フィル・ヴァイオリニスト)と高橋碧伊 さん(ピアニスト)によるデュオの演奏で、教会備え付けの椅子がほとんど全て出されるほどの盛況であった(参加者112人)。又千葉本町教会は、母と子向けの昼の部と一般向けの夜の部の2回開催で、大人74・子ども19の計93名が参加し、チケット売り上げと献金を合わせて21万円が献げられた。当教会は被災教会ではないので、売り上げは被災3教区(奥羽・東北・関東)に振り分けて送られた。演奏者は西谷衣代さん(声楽・二期会 会員)と木村りえ・りささんの視覚障がいの双子のピアニストであった。この企画は、本部の活動の最終年度である2016年度に本格化する。(英訳では演奏者名 を略した)

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