日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

Kyodan News:一覧

【February 2018 No.396】Acting General Secretary's Report: District Moderators Consider Issues of Church Evangelism

 It has been a year since I began writing these notes "Acting General Secretary's Report" and this one will be my last. As of April 2018, Rev. Akiyama Toru, chair of the Commission on Ecumenical Ministries and pastor of Ageo Godo Church in Kanto District, will begin serving in the capacity of general secretary, so he will write "General Secretary's Report"  for the next issue of KNL.  During th……

【February 2018 No.396】In Remembrance of Kyodan Pastor Ninomiya Tadahiro

by Rev. Paicu Yasiyungu, (An Shu-Mei)  Le-ye (Lalauya) Church, Presbyterian Church in Taiwan  On Oct. 27, 2017, Rev. Ninomiya Tadahiro left our midst and returned to his Heavenly Father’s home. The cremation service took place at 9 a.m., Nov. 3, at Chayi City Mortuary Hall, followed by cremation at 10 a.m. A memorial service was held at 10 a.m. on Nov. 18 at Le-ye (Lalauya) Church.  Ninomiya……

【February 2018 No.396】Hiroshima Christian Center’s 60th Anniversary Celebration Plans

 It has been 60 years since Hiroshima Christian Center was built at its present location in 1957. Programs directed at evangelistic outreach to the area, fighting against buraku discrimination, and especially programs for children had already been begun before World War II by missionaries from the US and local Christians living in the area, but the major part of the center’s founding work was done……

【February 2018 No.396】20 Years of Mutual Care Ministry

by Suzuki Mikio, member Nishi-chiba Church, Chiba Subdistrict, Tokyo District  Mutual Care Ministry is a program of Nishi-chiba Church that provides care for the elderly. Preparation for this program was carefully done through workshops and questionnaires before it was launched in 1997. It marked its 20th year in 2017. At the beginning, the services were limited to 1) visiting people in their plac……

【February 2018 No.396】20 Years of Mutual Care Ministry

by Suzuki Mikio, member Nishi-chiba Church, Chiba Subdistrict, Tokyo District  Mutual Care Ministry is a program of Nishi-chiba Church that provides care for the elderly. Preparation for this program was carefully done through workshops and questionnaires before it was launched in 1997. It marked its 20th year in 2017. At the beginning, the services were limited to 1) visiting people in their plac……

【February 2018 No.396】20 Years of Mutual Care Ministry

by Suzuki Mikio, member Nishi-chiba Church, Chiba Subdistrict, Tokyo District  Mutual Care Ministry is a program of Nishi-chiba Church that provides care for the elderly. Preparation for this program was carefully done through workshops and questionnaires before it was launched in 1997. It marked its 20th year in 2017. At the beginning, the services were limited to 1) visiting people in their plac……

【February 2018 No.396】20 Years of Mutual Care Ministry

by Suzuki Mikio, member Nishi-chiba Church, Chiba Subdistrict, Tokyo District  Mutual Care Ministry is a program of Nishi-chiba Church that provides care for the elderly. Preparation for this program was carefully done through workshops and questionnaires before it was launched in 1997. It marked its 20th year in 2017. At the beginning, the services were limited to 1) visiting people in their plac……

【February 2018 No.396】20 Years of Mutual Care Ministry

by Suzuki Mikio, member Nishi-chiba Church, Chiba Subdistrict, Tokyo District  Mutual Care Ministry is a program of Nishi-chiba Church that provides care for the elderly. Preparation for this program was carefully done through workshops and questionnaires before it was launched in 1997. It marked its 20th year in 2017. At the beginning, the services were limited to 1) visiting people in their plac……

【February 2018 No.396】20 Years of Mutual Care Ministry

by Suzuki Mikio, member Nishi-chiba Church, Chiba Subdistrict, Tokyo District  Mutual Care Ministry is a program of Nishi-chiba Church that provides care for the elderly. Preparation for this program was carefully done through workshops and questionnaires before it was launched in 1997. It marked its 20th year in 2017. At the beginning, the services were limited to 1) visiting people in their plac……

【February 2018 No.396】20 Years of Mutual Care Ministry

by Suzuki Mikio, member Nishi-chiba Church, Chiba Subdistrict, Tokyo District  Mutual Care Ministry is a program of Nishi-chiba Church that provides care for the elderly. Preparation for this program was carefully done through workshops and questionnaires before it was launched in 1997. It marked its 20th year in 2017. At the beginning, the services were limited to 1) visiting people in their plac……
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