日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

【February 2018 No.396】Hiroshima Christian Center’s 60th Anniversary Celebration Plans


 It has been 60 years since Hiroshima Christian Center was built at its present location in 1957. Programs directed at evangelistic outreach to the area, fighting against buraku discrimination, and especially programs for children had already been begun before World War II by missionaries from the US and local Christians living in the area, but the major part of the center’s founding work was done by Mary Francis Jones, a missionary. The current building is the upgraded version of what was constructed with contributions from the Methodist Women’s Society in the US. In the literary text of the Cornerstone Ceremony, Jones wrote: “All the people of Hiroshima, through a new spiritual birth, are all equal persons, and our desire is that their God-given personalities and rights will be mutually recognized.”

 Now is the time when we must hereafter reaffirm this message. This desire and prayer has been expanded to include a nursery school, childhood education and care for the elderly, and from last year, the additional undertaking of providing meals, tutoring, and other services for children caught in difficult living situations. These all show how the needs of the area in each era are being sincerely addressed.

 Commemorative activities included a worship service led by Director Nishijima Yoshihiro and a concert by the Kontrapunct Ensemble (an orchestra comprised of Japanese and Korean people living in Hiroshima who use Western instruments and instruments originally from the Korean Peninsula). This was followed by a refreshing time of fellowship with homemade sweets made by the staff and greetings from those who attended. The 82 attendees were people from churches, former employees, and related persons in the area. Including the staff, there were 106 people present, so it was a successful event. We thank God and all the people who supported us as we look forward in hope to new activities and renovation. (Tr. RT)

—Rev. Nishijima Yoshihiro, pastor,

Hiroshima Ushita Church

From Hiroshima District Newsletter, Issue No. 116: “Peace Sunday”

『西中国教区通信』第166号(平和聖日号) 2017.




 記念行事は、礼拝:西嶋佳弘主事司式、コン サート:「アンサンブル・コントラプンクト」(広島在住の日本人と在日コリアンによる、西洋楽器と朝鮮半島由来楽器の合奏団)、職員手作りのお菓子による懇親と来会者の言葉で、和やかな時を持った。教会・旧職員・地域関係者が82名集い、職員と合わせて106名の出席で、盛会であっ た。新たな活動と改築への希望を抱きつつ、神と多くの方々の支えに感謝する。

日本キリスト教団 広島牛田教会 牧師:西嶋佳弘

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