日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

Kyodan News:一覧

【December 2018 No.400】Christmas: A Time to Celebrate the Birth of our Savior

 by Chibana Sugako, Kyodan missionary                                                                                                         Sakai Keishi Memorial Church                                                                                                         Pirapo Free Methodist Church, Paraguay   Every year Christmas is celebrated around the world. Here in Paraguay, th……

【December 2018 No.400】General Assembly Elects Officers, Signs New Mission Agreement

The 41st Kyodan General Assembly was held Oct. 23–25 at the Hotel Metropolitan in Ikebukuro, Tokyo, with the theme "Building Up an Evangelistic Kyodan—Recovering the Life and Vitality of Evangelism." Of the allotted 400 delegates, 376 were in attendance. Moderator Ishibashi Hideo began with an apology for the 17-month vacancy in the possition of general secretary and reported on the process of ……

【December 2018 No.400】The Spirit of the Founders of Tokyo Woman’s Christian University

by Sano Masako, professor of Christian Studies Division of Humanities, School of Arts and Sciences Tokyo Woman’s Christian University Tokyo Woman’s Christian University (TWCU), one of the first Christian schools of higher education for women in Japan, was established in 1918, making the year 2018 the 100th anniversary of its founding. According to the Japanese education system at the time, the ……

【December 2018 No.400】Youth Mission in Taiwan Report

by Ishida Shinichiro, executive secretary The Youth Mission in Taiwan is an exchange of youth from the Kyodan and the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) and was held Aug. 17-27. Four Japanese youth who responded to an appeal in the Shinpo (The Kyodan Times) and one pastor visited Taiwan. On the Taiwanese side, four young adults (Taiwanese, Chinese, Japanese, and English speakers) guided the dele……

【December 2018 No.400】The Response of the Kyodan and Its Districts to the 2018 Natural Disasters

In the early morning hours of September 6, a severe earthquake struck the eastern part of the Iburi district of Hokkaido. Measuring in spots up to a magnitude of 7.0 on the Japan Meteorological Agency’s Seismic Intensity Scale, the earthquake caused large-scale landslides, complete power failure across the entire island, and various disruptions of lifelines, resulting in 41 deaths. Reportedly, man……

【December 2018 No.400】Union Japanese Church of Westchester in New York

by Ueda Yoko, Kyodan missionary Pastor, Union Japanese Church of Westchester Union Japanese Church of Westchester (UJCW) is a Japanese-language church in Scarsdale, Westchester County, New York that began worship in Japanese in September 1989. The church currently meets in the Hitchcock Presbyterian Church and receives support from the Reformed Church in America and the United Methodist Church. W……

【December 2018 No.400】Living With Illness Ⅰ: A Woman's Desire to Continue Playing the Piano

 by Ono Tomoko, member   Oki Church, Shimane Prefecture, Nishi Chugoku District Nine years ago, when I was about 50 years old, I was suffering from various undiagnosed physical problems. I got tired easily; I felt lethargic; and my body hurt in various places. Furthermore, when it was cold, the tips of my fingers became white. My doctor at the hospital in Matsue told me that these symptoms were t……

【December 2018 No.400】Young Adult Study Tour: Vancouver, Canada

by Rev. Yoko Kihara, Kyodan Overseas Minister, Minister of the United Church of Canada The first Young Study Tour to Vancouver was held between August 20th and 29th, 2018, welcoming ten young adults of the Kyodan, the Anglican Church, and the Korean Christian Church (KCCJ)in Japan sent by the Commission on Ecumenical Ministries, Kyodan. First, they visited Vancouver School of Theology in Unive……

【December 2018 No.400】Even without a Sanctuary, Worship Held at First Member’s Tomb

Osumi Seko Church in Kyoto began its ministry as a group worshiping together at Osumi Kindergarten in Kyoto. The kindergarten itself was the result of the work of Rev. Enomoto Yasuro (1925-1977), well-known as “Pastor Chiiroba,” [chiiroba (little donkey), after the foal of a donkey on which Jesus rode into Jerusalem] and Ms. Miyamoto Wosue (1902-1967), a midwife who was the first member of the con……

【December 2018 No.400】From the General Secretary's Desk: Mission Agreement with Indonesian Church; Change of Situation in Korea

The 41st Kyodan General Assembly has ended, and the 2018-19 general assembly period has begun. One of the highlights of the assembly was the signing of the mutual mission agreement with the Christian Evangelical Church in Minahasa, known as GMIM, the acronym of its name in Indonesian, Gereja Masehi Injili di Mynahsa. Beginning some 20 years ago, Indonesian Christians from the Minahasa area comi……
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