日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

【December 2018 No.400】Youth Mission in Taiwan Report


by Ishida Shinichiro, executive secretary

The Youth Mission in Taiwan is an exchange of youth from the Kyodan and the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) and was held Aug. 17-27. Four Japanese youth who responded to an appeal in the Shinpo (The Kyodan Times) and one pastor visited Taiwan. On the Taiwanese side, four young adults (Taiwanese, Chinese, Japanese, and English speakers) guided the delegation from Taipei to Kaoshiung. Many of the members from both sides had become friends at the Youth Mission events in Japan (at Karuizawa, etc.) and the Tohoku District Camp of two years ago. This time, the Japanese side appointed a leader as well. A devotional time was held almost every morning and evening, with participants taking turns in leading as they read the Bible together and discussing what they read.

On Sunday, Aug. 19, we separated into four groups and worshiped in four churches in Taipei, interacting with youth of Sanyi Church in Miaoli County in the evening. From Aug. 20 we spent three nights at the PCT camp in central Taiwan. Built for the purpose of youth evangelism through assets given by Rev. Xia Wei, it is well used for nurturing the faith of youth. We learned that the continuation of the youth evangelism program has brought a harvest. The youth reciprocally introduced their churches and denominations and enjoyed going mountain climbing.

On Aug. 21 we met with persons in Snuwing Church (a church of the Seediq people) near the site of the Wushe Incident.* Those of advanced age spoke Japanese and were skillful in the art of weaving. The latter half of the day we toured the cities of Taichung and Kaoshiung and learned that during World War II, Kaoshiung had been bombed. That evening we enjoyed a “night market” there. On Sunday, Aug. 26, we all attended worship at Hsin Chuang Church in Kaoshiung (in Mandarin) and were given an opportunity to sing hymns in Japanese. The four churches I visited had drum sets and guitars, offering up traditional and the latest hymns.

Many Taiwanese are favorable toward Japan, but we also met people with harsh feelings. This is because of Japan’s colonial rule between 1895 and 1945. We must not forget that fact. But the Youth Mission participants interacted cordially and experienced a wonderful stimulus to their faith. I really hope this program is continued. (Tr. RT)


*The Wushe Incident, also known as the Musha Rebellion and several other similar names, began in October 1930 and was the last major uprising in Taiwan against Japanese colonial rule. In response to long-term oppression by Japanese authorities, the Seediq indigenous group in Wushe (Musha) attacked the village, killing over 130 Japanese. In response, Japanese forces led a relentless counter-attack, killing over 600 Seediq in retaliation. The handling of the incident by Japanese authorities was strongly criticized, leading to many changes in policy toward indigenous people.





 19日(日)は台北市の4教会に分かれて礼拝し、夕に苗栗縣の三義教会で青少年と交流した。20日(月)から中部のPCTのキャンプ場に三泊した。謝緯(Xie Wei)牧師という方が、青少年伝道のために献げた財で造られ、青少年の信仰のため有効に用いられている。青少年伝道のプログラムを継続することが実りをもたらすと学んだ。青年が互いの教団・教会を紹介し、山登りを楽しんだ。21日(火)は、霧社事件抗日運動の中で現場に近い史努櫻教会(セデック族の教会)で交流した。高齢者は日本語を話し、機織り(Weaving)の見事な技術をもつ。後半に台中市、高雄市を見学し、戦時中に高雄で空襲があったことを知った。夜市タイムも楽しんだ。26日(日)は高雄の新莊教会の礼拝(台湾語)に皆で出席し、日本語で讃美する機会を与えられた。私が訪ねた4教会にはドラムセットとギターがあり、伝統的な讃美と最新の讃美が献げられていた。親日的な方が多いが、日本に厳しい方にも会った。1895年~1945年に、日本が植民地支配をしたからである。そのことは、決して忘れてはいけない。しかし青年は親しく交流し、信仰的にすばらしい刺激を受けた。ぜひ継続してほしい。

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