日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

Kyodan News:一覧

The General Secretary's Diary

The General Secretary's Diary On Saturday morning, Dec. 5. 2009, representatives of the mission boards of the former Japan-North American Commission on Cooperative Mission (JNAC)-member churches visited my office in Tokyo, and we had a pleasant conversation. The representatives, as pictured in the accompanying photograph are Xiaoling Zhu, Common Global Ministries Board (CGMB) of the Christian Chur……

Consultation Planned for Churches in Korea, Switzerland, Japan

Consultation Planned for Churches in Korea, Switzerland, Japan In July 1967, the Kyodan formulated a mission agreement with three Korean churches: The Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK), The Korean Methodist Church (KMC), and The Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK). This occurred shortly after the Kyodan publicly announced its "Confession of Responsibility during World War II" in M……

The Students Engraved on My Heart ― Elizabeth Russell's 40 Years at

The Students Engraved on My Heart ― Elizabeth Russell's 40 Years at Kwassui Gakuin by Nonomura Noboru, chancellor Kwassui Gakuin, Nagasaki City The road that leads up the Higashi (east) Yamate hill in the city of Nagasaki has become known as "Dutch Slope." This is because at the beginning of the Meiji Era a foreign settlement was established in this area, so it was usual to come into contact with ……

(EMS) Ecumenical Youth Volunteer Program in Germany

(EMS) Ecumenical Youth Volunteer Program in Germany By the grace of God and the support of many people, a cooperative exchange program with partner churches was held in Southwest Germany from September 2008 through May 2009. The program is a cooperative venture rather than a one-way street. Youth from seven churches in five countries gathered, including eight youth from Japan. The participants con……

Christian Schools Council Holds General Assembly in Tokyo

Christian Schools Council Holds General Assembly in Tokyo On January 28, 2010, the General Assembly of the Christian Schools Council on Cooperative Mission was held in the Kyodan Conference Room and included time for presentations, discussion, and fellowship. First to speak was David Burger, whose theme was "Thirty Years of Work at Seigakuin." While growing up in Tennessee, Burger attended the loc……

Church in Korea Conducts Japanese Worship Services

Church in Korea Conducts Japanese Worship Services by Tanaka Kaoru, pastor Angyo Church, Kanto District The Saemoonan Presbyterian Church of Seoul, founded by Horace Underwood in 1887, was the first organized church in Korea. At present, the congregation of 12,000 people averages 6,000 attendees at worship,served by 18 associate pastors, 6 assistant pastors, 8 missionaries, 9cooperative pastors, a……

Tokai District Raises Potatoes to Raise Its Support Fund

Tokai District is situated in the center of Japan. Agriculture features high among its activities. About a month before the District General Assembly for the year 2009, the four members of the Tokai District Executive Committee (the chair, the vice-chair, the secretary, and the chair of the Committee on Evangelism) gathered at a farm owned by Yamamoto Masanobu, a pastor of Shinonoi Church and at t……

Higashi Subdistrict in Tokyo Holds Protestant Christianity's 150th Anniversary Event for Children

"Gathering for Children: Commemorating 150 Years of Protestant Evangelism in Japan," an event sponsored by Tokyo District's Higashi Subdistrict, was held on the afternoon of Sept. 6, 2009 at Ginza Church and was attended by 308 people from 13 churches, including 120 children. The event was planned to commemorate 150 years of Protestant evangelism in Japan and to pass along to the children the task……

Hiroshima Nanbu Church "Cosmic Meeting" Ministers to Troubled Hearts

by Hamada Yuzo, pastor Hiroshima Nanbu Church, Nishi Chugoku District No wonder the present age is called "the age of depression." An increasing number of people, approximately three million throughout the nation, are suffering from psychological disorder. People caught by depression find themselves maladjusted to their environment and alienated from society. They are desperately groping after a b……

Honoring the Name of Mary Isabella Lambuth

by Komi Nozomi, religious director Seiwa Junior College, Kwansei Gakuin During the time I was a student in the department of Christian Education at Seiwa College, we learned about the founding of the three schools that came together as Seiwa (Holy Union). I was especially impressed with one of the narratives. It is the story of one of the founders, Mary Isabella Lambuth (12.17.1832 - 6.26.1904) wh……
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The United Church of Christ in Japan