日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

2023 年度日本基督教団エキュメニカル協力奨学金 募集要項


2023年4 月より、期間は原則として当該年度(1年)限りとする。 なお、奨学金が支給された場合は、5 年以内の再応募はできない。

2.留学の機関 日本基督教団関係学校の大学・短期大学・神学校・それらと同等の日本国内のキリスト教主義教育機関、または日本基督教団教師養成機関とする。原則として、研修先は一機関とする。


(1)支給する奨学金は、一人あたり 36 万円を上限とし、日本基督教団国際関係委員会の定める額とする。
(2)奨学金の送金は 2023 年 10 月までに行う。

支給期間終了後、1 ヶ月以内に報告書を提出しなければならない。報告は、研究・研修の内容、意見、感想等を A4 サイズ用紙にて 3500 字程度にまとめるものとする。

6.申し込み方法 所定の申し込み用紙に必要事項を記入の上、研究・研修機関を通して、2023 年 7 月 31 日 月曜日(必着)までに下記に提出する。
申し込み先:〒169-0051 東京都新宿区西早稲田 2-3-18 日本基督教団事務局 国際関係委員会

(1) 願書 ①
(2) 履歴書 ②
(3) 本国の所属教会からの推薦状
(4) 日本における出席教会の牧師の推薦状
(5)研修機関からの推薦状 3枚(教授またはそれに準ずる者) ③
(6) 研修計画書(留学目的、留学機関、期間等を詳細かつ具体的に記載すること) ④
(7) 資金計画書(学費、自己負担金、希望奨学金額を詳細に記載すること) ⑤


7. 選考
 申し込み書類により、書類審査を行い定とする。但し、必要とめた者にしては、国際関係委員会による面接を行い、それをも定する。なお選考は 9 月までに行い、選考結果を研究・研修機関に書をもて通する。

<注意事項> 応募に、本奨学金第四条による下記の条件べてをたしていることを確されたい。


2023 United Church of Christ in Japan (UCCJ (Kyodan)) Ecumenical Scholarship Guidelines for Applicants

  1. Regarding the availability of the scholarship:
    This application for scholarships beginning in April 2023 is in principle limited to a single year. The applicant who once received the scholarship has to wait for five years before re-applying.

  2. Regarding the educational institution in Japan:
    An applicant must be a researcher/student of a college/junior college/seminary (or an equivalent institution) of the United Church of Christ in Japan-Related Schools or the United Church of Christ in Japan-Related Seminary. In principle an applicant attending more than one institution cannot apply for this scholarship.

  3. Regarding the purpose of an applicant's international study:
    The purpose of the research/study in Japan should clearly direct itself to the contribution to the ecumenical mission in future in a broad sense.

  4. Regarding the amount of the scholarship:
    1) This scholarship is for an individual. The UCCJ Committee on Ecumenical Relations will make the decision regarding the amount, provided that the maximum is 360,000 Yen.
    2) The date of distribution of the scholarship will be by July.
    3) The scholarship must be distributed indirectly to the recipients via the finance department of the school/institution.

  5. Regarding the scholarship recipients’ work:
    The recipients must report about their work within one month after the scholarship period is elapsed. The report should be about the progress, comments and reflections of the research/study. The size of the report should be around three pages on size A4 paper.

  6. Regarding the deadline for the application:
    The educational institution must send the application/all supporting documents/recommendations to the UCCJ. They must arrive on or before Monday, July 31, 2023. The address is:

    UCCJ (Kyodan) Committee on Ecumenical Relations, 2-3-18, Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051

    The necessary documents:
    1) Application
    2) Resume
    3) Recommendation from home/sending church
    4) Recommendation from the pastor of the church you attend in Japan belonging to either the UCCJ (Kyodan) or the Korean Christian Church in Japan (KCCJ)

    5) Recommendation from one of your professors (or an equivalent)
    6) Declaration of research/study plan...Please specify concretely and in detail the statement of purpose and duration, the name of the institution.
    7) Financial plan document...Please stipulate in detail the overall amount of needed educational funds, and the details of the corresponding amount of sources, such as personal savings/income, the anticipated grant from UCCJ, and other.
    *Please use the UCCJ scholarship application forms for all of the documents above. You can download all the forms from the UCCJ official website, https://uccj.org/ecumenical .

7. Regarding the decision of the committee:
The UCCJ Committee on Ecumenical Relations will make its decision by evaluating the applications by September 2023. In certain cases the committee may request to interview the candidate. A successful application will receive a letter sent to the school/seminary where the student is enrolled.

*Items of caution to observe
Please make certain that you meet all of the basic requirement below before making application.

  1. The candidate must be a Christian from Asia or from other regions studying at an accredited

    institution in Japan.

  2. The candidate must be researching/studying in Japan.

  3. The candidate must be a member of a UCCJ church or a KCCJ church.

  4. The candidate must have a sincere heart to further ecumenical mission in Japan or in their country of origin.

〒169-0051 東京都新宿区西早稲田2-3-18-31
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The United Church of Christ in Japan