日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

“Called by God”— Continuing with Jesus, with “ATM” as our Watchword


by Naito Tomeyuki

Former Kyodan General Secretary


At the 38th Kyodan General Assembly, which took place Oct. 23-25, 2012, Naito Tomeyuki ended his 5 1/2 year term as general secretary, a position which gave him overall executive responsibility for resolutions taken by the General Assembly, the Kyodan’s highest decision making body. Naito was already 77 when he took up this position, so, age withstanding, how had he developed the strength which enabled him to see his heavy responsibilities through to the end at such an age? We listened to the following thoughts he shared before he left office.


I was born in Yokosuka in Kanagawa Prefecture, one of ten children in a large family. I had a carefree childhood and was always the ringleader. A portrait of the emperor was hung in our home, and we bowed before it every day. When I was in the sixth grade of elementary school, World War II broke out. My father was working as a shipbuilder in the naval dockyard (munitions factory), and partly influenced by that, I entered the naval collage.


When the war ended in defeat for Japan, I was utterly despondent and pessimistic and filled my time with art, drama, and mountain-climbing—in short, with leisure activities. However, before long came the emperor’s proclamation that he was a human being, and this enabled me to change my way of thinking. Until then I had venerated the emperor as a god, but now, spurred on by the desire to find something eternally unchanging, I entered Gakushuin University to study philosophy. There I was blessed with the chance to take lectures from the eminent scholars who greatly influenced the formation of postwar Japanese ideology. Among them was Professor Kitamori Kazo (who was also an ordained Kyodan pastor); so I came into contact with Christianity and started to participate in the Bible-reading group for which he was the advisor.


While student movement activity was increasing both on and off campus, I was immersed in Augustine and Anselm and the other great theologians, while at the same time practicing Zen meditation as well as studying Buddhism and Shinto, trying to find the way to salvation.


The answer came among the collected works of the philosopher Nishida Kitaro, which I had queued up in the bookstore to buy. One of these works, Deepest Needs, showed particularly deep thinking, indicating that the ultimate destiny of human life is the state of mind expressed in Galatians 2:19-20: “It is Christ who lives in me.”


However, yet again I went through a great deal of trial and error in my thinking as I sought to discover what that meant in concrete terms. In the end, what I understood was that Christ became the Word that strongly moved me from within. This meant, for example, that if I were able to put into practice God’s Word, which tells us to love one another, God would become present within me. Also, when I found out someone else had to die for my salvation because I was powerless and full of sin, then I realized that the cross of Jesus was the starting point.


Through such profound study, I slowly came to meet Christ and to receive salvation. Just at that point, I was introduced to a church by a missionary from the United States whom I had met, and at age 21, when I was a third-year university student, I was baptized at what is now Yokosuka Ogawa-cho Church.


After continuing my studies at Gakushuin to graduate school level, it was time to think about future employment. I thought that I would do what was pleasing to God rather than considering my own preferences, and I was shown the path to becoming a minister. My family had no connection to Christianity, but just as they had done when I was baptized, my parents said, “You only have one life; live it as you want,” and they gladly let me go my own way.


After completing my studies at Tokyo Union Theological Seminary Graduate School, my first appointment was to serve Kochi Church. There I met and married my wife, who has continued as my good comrade-in-arms until now. After that, I was involved in pioneer evangelism in Zentsuji in Kagawa Prefecture and then at Banzan-cho Church in Okayama Prefecture, Kanazawa Church in Ishikawa Prefecture, and various churches in Tokyo; and wherever I went I found it so enjoyable I just had to do it. This was the time when Christianity was experiencing a boom, but even so I was amazed that I was baptizing more than ten people a year. As I was enabled to take this for granted as a usual state of affairs, it goes without saying that this was God’s work.


I have always given special importance to work with young people, and although I do not know whether they found my answers to their merciless questions convincing or just amusing, it remains the case that a chain developed, with those who were themselves seeking bringing along more seekers. I am happy to say that many of them are now pastors or involved in such work as teaching in Christian schools.


Having been installed as Kyodan general secretary in 2007, I shall soon complete my term. In order to carry out all my important duties as moderator smoothly, I have adopted the same straightforward approach that I valued when I was pastoring churches. This is the criterion for judging how Christ’s church should be. Adapting the three principles of listening to God’s word, learning from church history, and maintaining our current regulations, we should at all times be ATM (Always bright; Together happily; Moving forward). As we continue with Jesus, this ATM is our unchanging watchword for evangelism. (Tr. SN)


Shinto no Tomo (Believer’s Friend), December 2012 issue

「神に呼ばれて」 イ エスさまとの合い言葉「ATM」でこれからも

内藤留幸 ないとう と めゆき 日本基督教団前総幹事


十月二十三日から二十五日まで行われた第三八 回日 本基督教団総会にて、五年半にわたる総幹事の職を退かれた内藤留幸先生。

教団の最高決議機関である教団総会での決定事 項を 執行する

総責任者である総幹事に就任したのは七十七歳 のと き。高齢をものともせず、重責をこなしてきたその力はどのように養われてきたのだろうか。その退任を前に、召しの話から聞いた。(ま とめ・編集部)



私は神奈川県横須賀市に生まれました。一〇 人 きょうだいという大家族の中で、のびのびと育ち、家でも外でもガキ大将でした。家に飾られていた御真影を拝む毎日で、小学校六年生の ときに第二次世界大戦が始まりました。父親が海軍工廠(軍需工場)の造船技師として働いていたこともあり、私は海軍兵学校に入り まし た。

敗戦後、私は虚脱感に苛まれ、厭世的にな り、絵 画、演劇、登山と、とにかく遊びまくりました。気持ちの切り替えができたのは、ほどなく天皇の人間宣言が公布されたときでした。それ まで天皇を現人神としてあがめてきた私は確かなもの、永遠に不変なるものを探求したいという欲求に駆られ、学習院大学に入り、哲 学を 専攻しました。そこでは、戦後日本の思想形成に偉業を残すことになる、そうそうたる学者たちの講義を受ける機会に恵まれました。その 中に北森嘉蔵先生がおられ、初めてキリスト教に触れ、彼が顧問を務める学内の聖書を読む会に参加し始めました。

キャンパスの内外で学生運動が盛んに繰り広 げら れていたころ、私はアウグスティヌスやアンセルムスら、大神学者の著作を繰り返し読み、一方で座禅を組んだり、仏教や神道のことをも 勉強したり、どうしたら救われるのかを追究していました。

その答えは、本屋で行列して買った、哲学者 西田 幾多郎の全集の中にありました。そこに「最深要求」という、まさに深い考えが示されていました。人間の生の究極はガラテヤ書2章19~20節 に「キリストがわたしの内に生きておられる」と示された境地であるというのです。

しかし、それは具体的にどういうことなの か、ま たまた思考の試行錯誤が続きました。やがてわかったのは、キリストが言葉となって私を内から突き動かすのだということ。だから、例え ば互いに愛し合いなさいという御言葉を実践できたら、神が自分の内にいることになると考えました。また、無力で罪深い己の救いに は他 者による「代償的苦しみ」が必須であることを知り、その原点がイエスの十字架にあることに気づきました。

そうやって学問を究める中で、私は徐々にキ リス トと出会い、救われていったのです。折しも地元で出会ったアメリカ人宣教師によって教会に導かれ、私は二十一歳、大学三年生のとき に、現在の横須賀小川町教会で洗礼を受けました。

学習院の大学院で学びを続けた後、将来の職 業に ついて考えたとき、自分がなりたいものではなく、神さまが望まれることをしていこうと考えました。そして、牧師になる道が示されたの です。キリスト教とは無縁の家でしたが、両親は「一度きりの人生だから、好きなようにしなさい」と受洗のときも神学校にいくとき も、 快く送り出してくれました。

東京神学大学大学院での学びを終え、初任地 は高 知教会でした。そこで出会って結婚した妻は、今に至るまで私のよき戦友です。その後、香川・善通寺での開拓伝道、岡山・蕃山町教会、 石川・金沢教会、東京の諸教会と、行く先々での伝道は本当に楽しくて仕方ありませんでした。

キリスト教ブームに乗った時代もありました が、 年間一〇名を超える受洗者が起こされるのを自分でも不思議に思っていました。私は当たり前のことを当たり前にしていただけですから、 そこに神さまが働かれたことは言うまでもありません。

私は特に青年たちとの関わりを大切にしてい まし たが、求道中の彼らから投げかけられる容赦ない質問に対する私の答えに納得したのでしょうか、おもしろいと思ったのでしょうか、とに かく求道者が求道者を連れてくるという連鎖でした。その中から牧師になったり、キリスト教学校で働くようになったりしている人が たく さんいるのはうれしいことです。

二〇〇七年に日本基督教団の総幹事に迎えら れ、 間もなく退きます。この五年半、教団の教務と事務のすべてを円滑に遂行する総幹事の大役に、私は牧会の現場でも貫いてきた正攻法で取 り組んできました。それはキリストの教会はどうあるべきか、という判断基準です。御言葉に聴く、教会の歴史から学ぶ、現在の規則 を守 る、この三つの視点に立ち、あとは常にATM(=明るく、楽しく、前向きに)です。これが イエ スさまと私との、これからも変わることのない伝道の合い言葉です。

Kyodan News
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The United Church of Christ in Japan