日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

Prayers of Moderators from Districts Suffering Damage due to the Great East Japan Earthquake


Ou District Moderator Ohara Muneo
For churches in Ou District, the earthquake and tsunami
have given us reason to reflect on the slogan and goal of
our district: “Let’s Live Together.” Hearts have been united
in constant prayer for churches that have experienced
heavy damage (Miyako, Shinsei Kamaishi, Ofunato,
Senmaya), as well as for direction in working together
toward restoration.
Damaged churches are just beginning the work of
restoration, and local church councils are considering
how they will proceed. Because of the necessity to find a
new location, the Senmaya Church is continuing to confer
about the purchase of property and the building of a new
church. Shinsei Kamaishi Church is planning repairs, and
Miyako Church has started an overall assessment of its
situation. It is our hope to share in these undertakings.
Tohoku District Moderator Takahashi Kazuto
Over 50 of the 88 churches in Tohoku District suffered
damage from the earthquake and tsunami, with 12 of those
churches suffering serious damage. Radiation has spread
throughout Fukushima Prefecture, and it is impossible
to calculate the amount of damage this will have on the
lives and hearts of the people. The entire Northeast has
been wounded and weakened. Although there are areas
where outward recovery can be seen, there are many deep
wounds that remain.
Prayers of Moderators from Districts Suffering Damage
due to the Great East Japan Earthquake
Opening of Emmaus Sasa-yashiki :
Rest Haven for the Survivors of the Tsunami
There are differences in the speed of reconstruction, but
each church is earnestly working to hold on and recover
in the midst of difficulties. Although it is difficult to set a
timeline for recovery, we find hope in the support of prayer
and the Lord’s direction. Please pray with us.
Kanto District Moderator Akiyama Toru
In the Kanto District, repair and reconstruction of damaged
churches, parsonages, and affiliated facilities has been
our focus. Some reconstruction has been completed, and
some churches are still in the process of determining their
next steps. However, all of our churches are experiencing
the trials and challenges of not only restoring a building
but also bringing together the church as the living body of
Within Kanto District, especially in prefectures such as
Ibaraki and Tochigi where there are churches with nursery
and kindergarten facilities, an urgent question is how to
deal with the danger of radiation. This is true also for
Asian Rural Instititute. Another concern is for parishioners’
homes that have been severely damaged. We have been
encouraged by the prayers and support of churches
throughout the country, and we have committed ourselves
to be a part of those prayers and support. (Tr. JS)
From 311 Inori no Shiori (3.11 Prayer Guide), issued by the Kyodan

祈られて一歩を踏み出し 奥羽教区議長 邑原宗男


地震と津波は、教区内の教会にとって、教区宣教基本方針「さあ、共に生きよう」 を、もう一度考えさせる時を与えた。被害の大きい被災教会(宮古、新生釜 石。大船渡、千厩)の復興に向けて歩みだすための祈りを、心 から求められた。被災教会の夫々が、今どのように復興するかを役員会で検討し、動き出したばか りである。移転を余儀なくされた千厩教会は土地購入と礼拝堂 の建築の相談を続けている。修築を計画している新生釜石教会、総合的に検討を始める宮古教会、 その課題を今、共に担っていただきたいと願っている。


祈りから希望へ   東北教区議長 高橋和人


東北教区八十八教会の内五十以上の教会が被災し、そのうち十二教会が特に大きな被 害を受けました。

放射線被害は福島県全域に及びその影響は人の心にも生活にも計り知れない影を落と しています。東北全体が傷つき弱っています。見えるものの一部は急速に回復していますが、本当に痛んだ深い部分はそのままになっ ています。

復興にさえ格差が生まれています。諸教会がみな重荷に耐えな がら懸命に持ちこたえようとしています。これからの見通しを立てることも困難ですが、祈りに支えられ、主に導かれるところに希望 を持っています。お祈りください。


関東教区議長  秋山 徹

関 東教区では、主として会堂牧師館、付帯施設の建物被害が中心で、その修復・再建を 中心に取り組んできました。既に終えたところ、未だ教会内の意見調整を続けているところ、それぞれの教会が、建物だけでなく生き たキリストの体としての教会の形が整えられるための試みの時を経験しています。

関 東教区でも、茨城、栃木などの特に幼児施設をもっている教会、またアジア学院など では、放射による汚染に対してどのように対応するかが緊急の課題となって います。また信徒宅で大きい被害を受けておられるところもか なりあり、このための配慮も必要になっています。全国の教会からの支えと祈りに励まされ、わた したちもまた、その働きに加えさせていただいています。『祈 りのしおり』より

Kyodan News
〒169-0051 東京都新宿区西早稲田2-3-18-31
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The United Church of Christ in Japan