日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

2009 Kyodan Newsletter Index


No./p. Mo.
2008 Christmas Offering Theme: "Living Together"351/3Feb.
Asia Gakuin (Asian Rural Institute).......................... 351/7 Feb.
General Secretary's Diary: On the Current State of Youth Evangelism in the Kyodan ........................................ 352/8 Apr.
Growing Sweet Potatoes in the Neighboring Vacant Lot
"God Gave the Growth"....................................... 354/7 Oct.
Nagasaki Furumachi Church School Commended for
Recycling Efforts................................................. 352/7 Apr.
Work of the Green House Youth Center
in Yokohama........................................................ 353/5 June
50 Years of Kyodan Data: Analysis and Proposals...352/2 Apr.
2009 World Day of Prayer Oberved in Japan
on March 6........................................................... 353/4 June
Asia Gakuin (Asian Rural Institute).......................... 351/7 Feb.
Commemorating 150 Years of Protestant Evangelism
in Japan................................................................. 354/2 Oct.
Education for Girls and Deliverance of the Poor
in the Meiji Era.................................................... 355/4 Dec.
The First Christmas in Japan..................................... 355/1 Dec.
Former Worship Sanctuary becomes an Art Museum-
Meditation Space with Famous Biblical Pictures... 354/7 Oct.
General Secretary's Diary: Dedication of the
Togi Mission Church's New Building................353/6 June
German East Asia Mission in Japan:
Past and Present...................................................355/5 Dec.
Growing Sweet Potatoes in the Neighboring Vacant Lot
"God Gave the Growth" ..................................... 354/7 Oct.
Introducing The National Federation of
Kyodan Women's Societies................................. 352/5 Apr.
Journey of Mary Eddy Kidder,
Pioneer in Women's Education........................... 354/6 Oct.
"Liberation Play" Challenges Our Prejudices........... 352/2 Apr.
Nagasaki Furumachi Church School Commended for
Recycling Efforts................................................. 352/7 Apr.
Reclaiming the Rights of the Ainu People................ 352/6 Apr.
Reflections on the Kyodan......................................... 354/3 Oct.
Shikoku District Churches Conduct
Cooperative Evangelism.....................................355/3 Dec.
Taiwanese Churches Promote the Gospel in Japan.. 354/4 Oct.
Through God's Leading: Over 70 Exhitibions of
Post-World War II Pictures Held....................... 352/7 Apr.
Work of the Green House Youth Center
in Yokohama........................................................ 353/5 June
12th Kyodan-PCT Consultation Convened
in Osaka............................................................... 353/3 June
Christ Himself is Our Salvation: The 150th Anniversary of
Protestant Mission in Japan................................ 353/2 June
Commemorating 150 Years of Protestant Evangelism
in Japan................................................................. 354/2 Oct.
EMS Mission Council Meeting Held in Ghana....... 354/5 Oct.
Promotion Committee for the Movement to
Support Retired Ministers................................... 351/4 Feb.
12th Kyodan-PCT Consultation Convened
in Osaka................................................................353/3 June
2009 World Day of Prayer Oberved in Japan
on March 6........................................................... 353/4 June Christ Himself is Our Salvation: The 150th Anniversary of
Protestant Mission in Japan................................ 353/2 June
Commemorating 150 Years of Protestant Evangelism
in Japan................................................................. 354/2 Oct.
EMS Mission Council Meeting Held in Ghana........354/5 Oct.
The First Christmas in Japan......................................355/1 Dec.
German East Asia Mission in Japan:
Past and Present...................................................355/5 Dec.
Introducing The National Federation of
Kyodan Women's Societies................................. 352/5 Apr.
Journey of Mary Eddy Kidder,
Pioneer in Women's Education........................... 354/6 Oct.
Kyodan Signs Mission Covenants
with 2 North American Churches...................... 351/2 Feb.
Reclaiming the Rights of the Ainu People................ 352/6 Apr.
Taiwanese Churches Promote the Gospel in Japan...354/4 Oct.
EVANGELISM AND MISSION, HISTORY AND CULTURE 50 Years of Kyodan Data: Analysis and Proposals...352/2 Apr.
150 Years of Evangelism in Japan:
"Planting the Word of God for 150 Years"..........352/1 Apr.
2009 World Day of Prayer Oberved in Japan
on March 6........................................................... 353/4 June
Asia Gakuin (Asian Rural Institute) .........................351/7 Feb.
Christ Himself is Our Salvation: The 150th Anniversary of
Protestant Mission in Japan................................ 353/2 June
Commemorating 150 Years of Protestant Evangelism
in Japan................................................................. 354/2 Oct.
Education for Girls and Deliverance of the Poor
in the Meiji Era.................................................... 355/4 Dec.
The First Christmas in Japan..................................... 355/1 Dec.
Former Worship Sanctuary becomes an Art Museum-
Meditation Space with Famous Biblical Pictures... 354/7 Oct.
General Secretary's Diary: Dedication of the
Togi Mission Church's New Building................353/6 June
General Secretary's Diary: On the Current State of
Youth Evangelism in the Kyodan........................352/8 Apr.
German East Asia Mission in Japan:
Past and Present...................................................355/5 Dec.
Introducing The National Federation of
Kyodan Women's Societies................................. 352/5 Apr.
Journey of Mary Eddy Kidder,
Pioneer in Women's Education........................... 354/6 Oct.
"Liberation Play" Challenges Our Prejudices ..........352/4 Apr.
Reclaiming the Rights of the Ainu People.................352/6 Apr.
Shikoku District Churches Conduct
Cooperative Evangelism.....................................355/3 Dec.
Taiwanese Churches Promote the Gospel in Japan...354/4 Oct.
Work of the Green House Youth Center
in Yokohama........................................................ 353/5 June
50 Years of Kyodan Data: Analysis and Proposals...352/2 Apr.
150 Years of Evangelism in Japan:
"Planting the Word of God for 150 Years"..........352/1 Apr.
Christ Himself is Our Salvation: The 150th Anniversary of
Protestant Mission in Japan................................ 353/2 June
Commemorating 150 Years of Protestant Evangelism
in Japan................................................................. 354/2 Oct.
General Secretary's Diary(February 2009)............... 351/8 Feb.
General Secretary's Diary(October 2009).................354/8 Oct.
General Secretary's Diary: Dedication of the
Togi Mission Church's New Building................353/6 June
General Secretary's Diary: "One Sunny Afternoon"355/6 Dec.
General Secretary's Diary: On the Current State of
Youth Evangelism in the Kyodan...................... 352/8 Apr.
Introducing The National Federation of
Kyodan Women's Societies................................ 352/5 Apr.
Kyodan Signs Mission Covenants
with 2 North American Churches...................... 351/2 Feb.
Reflections on the Kyodan......................................... 354/3 Oct.
Executive Council & General Assembly Executive Coucil Begins Work of the
  36th General Assembly Biennium...................... 351/1 Feb.
Executive Council Establishes
an Executive Committee..................................... 354/1 Oct.
Executive Council Notes Progress on
Current Church Concerns................................... 355/2 Dec.
Districts and Subdistricts
Former Worship Sanctuary becomes an Art Museum-
Meditation Space with Famous Biblical Pictures... 354/7 Oct.
General Secretary's Diary: Dedication of the
Togi Mission Church's New Building................353/6 June
Growing Sweet Potatoes in the Neighboring Vacant Lot
"God Gave the Growth" ..................................... 354/7 Oct.
Kyodan's 17 Districts Convene Annual Assemblies 353/1 June
Nagasaki Furumachi Church School Commended for
Recycling Efforts................................................. 352/7 Apr.
Shikoku District Churches Conduct
Cooperative Evangelism.....................................355/3 Dec.
Taiwanese Churches Promote the Gospel in Japan.. 354/4 Oct.
Work of the Green House Youth Center
in Yokohama........................................................ 353/5 June
Education for Girls and Deliverance of the Poor
in the Meiji Era.................................................... 355/4 Dec.
Journey of Mary Eddy Kidder,
Pioneer in Women's Education........................... 354/6 Oct.
Domestic Issues (Discrimination) "Liberation Play" Challenges Our Prejudices ..........352/4 Apr.
Reclaiming the Rights of the Ainu People................ 352/6 Apr.
Social Work and Service Education for Girls and Deliverance of the Poor
in the Meiji Era.................................................... 355/4 Dec.
Nagasaki Furumachi Church School Commended for
Recycling Efforts................................................. 352/7 Apr.
Work of the Green House Youth Center
in Yokohama........................................................ 353/5 June
War and Peace; Militarism, Nationalis & Domestic Politics Through God's Leading: Over 70 Exhitibions of
Post-World War II Pictures Held........................ 352/7 Apr.

Kyodan News
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The United Church of Christ in Japan