日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

【February 2020 No.406】TUTS President Osumi Yuichi: Now at Home with His Lord


On Sept. 5, 2019, President Osumi Yuichi of Tokyo Union Theological Seminary (TUTS) suddenly passed away due to complications from a subarachnoid hemorrhage. People related to the seminary and many churches that supported the seminary were stunned and saddened to learn of this tragic event, as Osumi was beginning his third year as president and was only 64 years old. A funeral was held on Sept. 9 in the seminary chapel, and although Typhoon 15 (Faxai) was directly hitting the whole area in Japan and delaying traffic, 550 people gathered to pay their last respects.


Osumi graduated with a law degree from the University of Tokyo, entered TUTS and TUTS graduate school where he earned his master’s degree, and proceeded to study at Protestant University Wuppertal/Bethel in Germany, where he was awarded his doctorate in theology. He had been teaching Old Testament studies at TUTS since 1990. He also served as a licensed pastor of Omiya Church in Kanto District for 2 years and as an ordained pastor at Yoga Church in Tokyo District for 15 years.


Osumi had a mild disposition and was known for his unique smile and sense of humor and for freely conversing with students. Students nicknamed him “Snoopy,” and he was pleased to accept that name for himself.

At the same time, Osumi was an Old Testament scholar with special interest in Old Testament law, and he clothed himself in obedience according to the words of the prophets and of Jesus. He also took a firm stance in regards to local church issues and ministries and offered practical advice. Serving as a minister myself, I often witnessed Osumi’s courageous words when referring to what ministers should be and remember being very moved by them.


In Osumi’s last year as president, TUTS experienced an academic harassment claim that caused him to worry greatly about the future of the institution for which he prayed earnestly. Those of us related to TUTS have inherited his prayer and together must be committed to eliminating human rights violations. We pray that the precious comfort of the Lord will be with Osumi’s wife Mari at this difficult time. (Tr.WJ)

                        —Ito Mizuo, chair, Board of Directors

                         Tokyo Union Theological Seminary



東京神学大学理事長 伊藤瑞男







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