日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

【October 2019 No.404】Methodist Church in Britain Holds Annual Conference


by Kato Makoto, executive secretary

I attended the 2019 Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Britain, held at the Hilton Hotel in Birmingham, England’s second largest city, from June 29 through July 4. The program began with Assistant secretary of the Conference Rev. Ruth Gee’s declaration, stating that the conference has been held in the same fashion since 1744. Everybody stood to sing a Charles Wesley hymn, as the outgoing president and vice-president entered in procession. (A clergy member is always elected as president and a lay person as vice-president, with no possibility of reelection after their one-year terms of service.) In keeping with the tradition since 1844, incoming president Rev. Dr. Barbara Glasson received a copy of John Wesley’s Bible and incoming Vice-president Prof. Clive Marsh received a copy of Charles Wesley’s 1739 Hymnal.


About 20 ecumenical foreign guests were introduced on the stage, with those from Asia including two from the China Christian Council, one from Myanmar, and another from Japan. The foreign guests were each assigned to one of the 33 districts and participated in all the agenda as regular delegates. I was assigned to the London District and participated, though I was dealing with jetlag.


Sunday worship was held at the conference site, concluding with a sending-out ceremony for the ministers and deacon ministers who would be ordained in the afternoon at the local churches. Some of this year’s discussion focused on the role of deacon ministers in the ministry of the church, with the confirmation that they should take a leadership role that includes preaching. We sang more than ten hymns in the worship service. I have never heard of any other assembly with more hymn singing than that.


On Monday the real deliberations began. Due to the nation’s low birthrate and the aging of the population, this denomination is also confronted with declining membership, causing much heated discussion about the budget. The same-sex marriage issue which had been assigned to a special committee three years ago, was discussed under the topic of Marriage and Relations.

About half of the 350 representatives took the opportunity to speak on the stage for the two-minute time period allotted to speakers. There was also impassioned discussion on the topic of calling. As I look back on it, I felt as though I had been to a church retreat. (Tr. AKO)



 2019年6月29日から7月4日にかけて、イギリス第二の都市バーミンガム、ヒルトンホテルで開催された英国メソジスト教会の年会に参加した。最初のプログラムは年会補助書記のRev. Ruth Geeによる「メソジスト教会は1744年以来このような形で年会を行っている」との宣言で始まり、一同起立してチャールズ・ウェスレーの讃美歌を歌いつつ退任する議長と副議長を迎えた。任期一年で、議長は教職が、副議長は信徒が代々選ばれ再任されることはない。1844年以来の伝統で、新議長のRev. Dr. Barbara Glassonにはジョン・ウェスレーのフィールドバイブルが、副議長のProf Clive Marshにはチャールズ・ウェスレーの1739年度版の讃美歌がそれぞれ贈呈された。約20名の海外ゲストも名前を呼ばれ壇上で紹介された。アジアからはCCC(China・Christian Council)から2名、ミャンマーと日本から各1名であった。海外ゲストはそれぞれ33教区に割り振られ、正議員としてすべての議事に参加する。私はロンドン教区に席が与えられ、時差ボケと戦いながら議事に参加した。翌日曜日は午前に会議場で礼拝が行われた。プログラムの最後は午後に地域の教会で按手を受ける教職と執事の派遣式であった。年会の議事の中には執事の職務についての話し合いがあり、説教を含めてミニストリーの指導者的な位置づけが確認された。礼拝では10曲以上が賛美された。これほどに讃美する総会を他に私は知らない。月曜日から本格的な議事が始まった。英国メソジストも少子高齢化からくる教会員の減少の影響を受け。予算の審議は白熱した。同性婚も3年前の年会で専門委員会が発足して、Marriage and relationshipsという大きな枠の中で協議された。議員数はおよそ350、発言者には2分が与えられ、4日間で約半数の議員が壇上で発言した。Callingについても熱心な議論が展開された。終わってみれば教会修養会に参加した気分であった。

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