日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

【October 2018 No.399】United Church of Christ in the Philippines Celebrates Its 70th Anniversary


The 11th General Assembly of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP) was held May 23-25 at Pilgrim Christian College in Cagayan de Oro. This was a special general assembly that incorporated a program to celebrate the 70th year of the church’s founding. On the morning of the second day, participants separated into eight groups (Music Workshop, LGBT, Gender Justice, Human Sexuality, Indigenous People, etc.), with time for study and discussion.

The election of officers was held in the afternoon, and the introduction of each candidate was shown on the screen in front by utilizing various sound effects and animation to give visual effects with originality. Bishop Melzar Labuntog was elected as general secretary, replacing Bishop Reuel Norman Marigza who had worked for many years as general secretary.

In the evening, we moved to a special meeting room in a giant mall to participate in the 70th Anniversary Congratulatory Party. Over 1,000 participants from various areas of the Philippines met together, overflowing with praise. The event ended with a slide presentation on Protestant evangelism in the Philippines from before the creation of the UCCP. The program also considered those of us guests from overseas.

On the third evening, we were transferred to a hotel in the city, and The UCCP Unsung Heroes Award was presented for the very first time. At this meeting thanks was expressed to the “heroes in the shadows” who had served in schools, seminaries, and churches in each area of the Philippines. The work of the eight heroes, almost all persons of advanced age over 80 years old, was introduced by videos, and each one was invited to the platform to give a speech. In the case of those who were deceased, a family member gave the speech in their place. It was a heart-warming gathering. (Tr. RT)

 by Kato Makoto, Kyodan executive secretary



 第11回フィリピン合同教会の総会が2018年5月23日(水)から25日(金)にかけてカガヤン・デ・オロ市のPILGRIM CHRISTIAN COLLEGE を会場にして行われた。今回は創立70周年を記念するプログラムが組み込まれた特別な総会であった。二日目の午前はInterest Groups/Workshopsの時間があり、Music Workshop, LGBT, Gender Justice, Human Sexuality, Indigenous People, など8グループに分かれて学びとディスカッションの時間が設けられていた。午後は選挙であったが、候補者の紹介が前方のスクリーンで候補者ごとに異なる効果音とアニメを用いた視覚的効果が用いられ斬新であった。今回の総会では、長年にわたって総幹事として働かれたReuel Norman Marigza ビショップに代わりMelzar Labuntog ビショップが新たに総幹事として選任された。

 夕方からは市内の巨大モールの特設会場に移動し、創立70周年の祝賀会が行われた。フィリピン各地から1000名以上が参加し、讃美に溢れた会であった。最後にフィリピン合同教会創立以前からの、フィリピンにおけるプロテスタントの伝道がスライドで紹介され、我々海外ゲストにとっても配慮されたプログラムであった。3日目の夕方からは市内のホテルに移動し第1回THE UCCP UNSUNG HEROES AWARD が開催された。これは長年にわたりフィリピン各地で学校、神学校、教会に仕えてきた「影のヒーロー」に感謝する会であった。8名のヒーローたちの仕事がビデオで紹介され、ほとんどが80歳以上の高齢者であったが、壇上に招かれスピーチをされた。故人の場合には家族が代わってスピーチをされた。心温まる会であった。
(加藤 誠)

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