by Kato Makoto, executive secretary
The Korea/Japan 5-Churches Mission Consultation was held in Seoul, Feb. 20-21 and used both the headquarters of the Korean Methodist Church (KMC) and the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK). The other three church bodies involved in the consultation were the Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK), the Korean Christian Church in Japan (KCCJ) and the Kyodan.
The basic pattern is for each denomination to send three official representatives. The Kyodan sent Rev. Kumoshikari Toshimi, General Assembly secretary, Rev. Kishi Norihide, former chair of the Committee on Korean Church Relations, and myself.
There were three presentations: one each by the KMC, the Kyodan and the PCK, with the first being given by Rev. Yoon Byung-Jo, senior pastor of Morenae Methodist Church. He also serves as vice-president of the Korean Methodist Mission Association and chairperson of the Japan Mission Society. He presented a case study of joint mission cooperation between Korea and Japan. Rev. Yoon's conclusions were two-fold.
First, we need to learn from history. As an example, he shared the story of Lee Su-Jung who came to Japan and was baptized by Rev. Yasukawa Toru in 1883 and, while he was in Japan, translated the Gospel of Mark into Korean. That translation was then used by missionary Henry Gerhard Appenzeller in his evangelistic work in Korea, thus making it a beautiful legacy for Japanese and Korean churches.
Second, it is important to pray for and work towards an expansion of exchanges and visitations among both Korean and Japanese churches, including revitalization of exchanges between pastoral and mission-related personnel towards a creative future.
The next presentation was by Dr. Nag Woon-Hae, a missionary sent by the Kyodan to the Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary in Seoul. He spoke on "The Desirable Role of a Pastor in Japanese Churches" and gave the background of the increasing number of Koreans volunteering to serve as overseas missionaries. He also identified the issues involved in sending Koreans to help with the more than 400 Kyodan churches in Japan that are without a full-time pastor. He stressed how important it is for such missionaries to be able to dedicate themselves to evangelism and outreach in the areas of Japan where such churches are concentrated. He gave three suggestions:
1) Make the Kyodan Commission on Ecumenical Ministries the route through which Korean missionaries are sent to Japanese churches;
2) Have a period of training for such people prior they enter Japan. For instance, since Dr. Nag Woon-Hae is in charge of the Japanese worship service at Seamoonan Presbyterian Church, the missionaries could attend the weekly services there for three months to become familiar with the atmosphere of a Japanese church and improve their Japanese language skills; and
3) Create a joint program together with the Kyodan for serving Kyodan churches. Missionaries from Korea need to participate more fully in such a church structure within the Kyodan, and the Kyodan needs to be more proactive in sending missionaries to Korea.
The final presentation, given by Rev. Lee Sang-Cheol of PCK’s Onhye Presbyterian Church, was a report of his ministry since he was called to be the pastor there in January 2009 entitled "Practices and Actual Application of Evangelism." This church, a typical one in a rural area, had not conducted a single baptism in several years. The vision he had received as he began there was to create a "ministry revered in the community" and a "ministry revealing the benevolence of God." He began by developing a sense of community particularly with elderly people living alone by taking a bento lunch to give them when he visited. He helped those who could not easily get to health clinics by taking their blood pressure and blood sugar levels and driving them to the hospital when they needed to go. He also began a service by volunteers who take these older people to a famous hot springs nearby, and then in his second year of ministry there began "Rainbow University," a school for elderly persons that utilizes the talents and resources of local people. In 2014, the church had 12 baptisms, and presently the weekly attendance is about 50.
Following these presentations, we spent time discussing them. This included exchanging our views on the specific proposals of missionary Nag Woon-Hae concerning training. We ended by making preparations for the next planning session for the following such consultation.
(Tr. TB)
報告 加藤 誠
KMC, Kyodan, PCKから3名の発題があった。最初はユン・ビンチョ牧師(Re
次に教団韓国派遣宣教師、長老会神学大学校、Dr. ナグネ(Nag, Woon-Hae)から“The desirable role of a pastor in Japanese Churches”との題で発題が行われた。韓国で増加す る海外宣教志願者の背景に触れた後、日本特に教団の400以上あ
最後の発題はPCKからOnhye Presbyterian Church のSang-Cheol Lee牧師。“Practices and Actual Application of Evangelism”と題して、2009年1月に赴任して以来