日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

【December 2015 No.385】Discriminated-against Buraku Coalition Meets in Germany


by Torii Shinpei, delegate                                                                                                   Buraku Liberation Center


The discriminated-against Buraku in Japan, the Dalit of India (outcasts), and Germany’s Sinti Roma held a conference, Sept. 24 -27, 2015, at the Christian Studies Institute on the outskirts of Stuttgart, Germany to create international solidarity. This occurred through the invitation and sponsorship of the Southwestern Germany Christian Gospel Council, a committee of the Evangelical Mission in Solidarity (EMS).


The Buraku Liberation Center sent Mizuno Matsuo and I, Torii Shinpei, to Germany as delegates. Mizuno Matsuo is the first intern from the BLC and is currently working at the Tokyo office of the Buraku Liberation League. I am a teacher at Omi Kyodaisha Elementary School, but I also have heavy responsibilities as the chairperson of the Steering Committee at the Buraku Liberation Center.


The conference began every morning with worship and continued with sharing about the historical backgrounds of each community together with the realities of discrimination each face. To this was added reports as to how education is being directed towards providing solutions to these issues, all with the goal in mind of deepening our mutual understanding. More than anything else, however, at this time of marking 70 years since the end of World War II, it was a great blessing to deepen the joint bonds of respect for human dignity that transcends nationality.


Having taken part in this international conference, I have several thoughts.

1) I am grateful for EMS’s concern and the invitation coming from that.


2) Related to this concern, due to EMS’s gift of funds, as the forerunner of this conference, there is a connection to the joy of issuing the Japanese-English bilingual publication of the Buraku Liberation’s sermon collection, Let There Be Light on Humanity, for which I am grateful.


3) In the midst of a long history of the continuing condition of discrimination and the church’s struggle to deal with this, I think coming to understand that the Dalit of India, Germany’s Sinti Roma, and the discriminated-against Buraku of Japan have areas in common as well as quite different situations is very important for future thinking about international solidarity.


4) Also, I sensed that this kind of work would be an incentive to further the responsibility being shouldered by the Kyodan’s Buraku Liberation Center.


5) Finally, it was a great privilege to gather together with priceless persons, such as the family of Bobby, Sinti Roma's guitarist; Paul Schneiss, who formerly served as a Kyodan missionary, and his wife Kiyoko; and all the staff of EMS. I am earnestly thinking that I want to continue to kindle the flames of solidarity in the Lord from here on as well. (Tr. RT)

部落解放センター ドイツ訪問

日本の被差別部落とインドのダリッド(アウトカースト)、そしてドイツのシンチ・ロマSinti Romaが国際的な連帯をつくろうと2015924日から27日 にかけて、ドイツのシュタットゲルト郊外のキリスト教研修施設で協議会を行った。これはEMS(Evangelical Mission in Solodarity)の主催・招聘によるものである。 部落解放センターは水野松男さんと私、鳥井新平を代表としてドイツに送ってくださった。水野松男さんは部落解放センターの第一回研修生 で、現在は部落解放同盟東京都連で働いている。私は、近江兄弟社小学校で教員をしながら、部落解放センターの活動委員長の重責を担わせて いただいている。 協議会は毎朝、礼拝からはじまり、それぞれの歴史的経緯や差別の実態、それにむけての教育における取り組み等の様子が報告と対話を織り交 ぜながら進められ、お互いの理解を深めることができた。なによりもまず、戦後70年の節目のこの時に、国を超えて人間の尊厳を尊重し合う連帯の絆を深められたことは一番の恵みで あった。今回の国際会議に出席していくつかの思いをもった。
このことは、今回の会議に先駆けてEMSの 献金により、部落解放説教集「人間に光あれ」の日英両文が出版できたことの喜びにつながり、有り難い。
インドのダリッド、ドイツのシンチロマ、日本の被差別部落と長い歴史の中で差別を受け続けている状況と教会におけ る取り組みなど、共通する部分とかなり状況が違う部分とを理解することができたということは、今後の国際連帯を考える上でとても大切なポ イントだと思った。
最後に何ものにも代え難い人との出会いは、大きな収穫だった。シンチロマのギタリスト、Bobbyの家族、以前教団の宣教師として働かれた ポール・シュナイツさんと清子さん、EMSの スタッフの皆さん。主の交わりにあってこれからも連帯の火を燃やし続けたいと切に思った。(鳥井新平報)

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