日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

【October 2015 No.384】From the experience of ‘I Love Taiwan Mission’


From the experience of ‘I Love Taiwan Mission’


"Let your hope keep you joyful, be patient in your troubles, and pray at all times." (Rom. 12:12)


The annual “I Love Taiwan” event began in 2002 and is hosted by The Presbyterian Church of Taiwan. This year marks the 13th annual event and was held from July 1 to 18, with approximately 90 young people from 18 countries around the world (including Japan) and 89 Taiwanese, including staff, in attendance. This year’s theme was “Behold the sign of grace.” The Kyodan Committee on Taiwan Church Relations sent two participants to the event. During the first three days, there were programs introducing the PCT to the participants from abroad and orientation courses with basic theology lectures by pastors.


Prior to the participants being sent out to local churches and other organizations, there was a commissioning service. During the following ten days then, the participants helped with ministries such as church school, summer camps, and so on. The last three days were times of sharing experiences and also a time of celebration of our different cultures. On the final day there was a closing service.


I had the privilege of joining this gathering as one of the Japanese representatives. It was a real blessing to me to be there and to meet other young people during those 18 days in Taiwan. I found that the people from different countries who joined ILT were expressing their faith to God in their own ways. They were not embarrassed to have fun together and to sing energetic songs of praise to God. They cherished each moment with new friends. Despite their diversity of experience as well as different cultural and political backgrounds, those groups of young people gave me tremendous encouragement.I was sent to a local church with a team of seven others for ten days. My experience at Chang-guang Church was mixed with hope and struggles. Although the relationship among the group was fairly good, at first we could not share the blessing of being sent together enough. After we had worked in the field by the church, I cried because as I was looking at the people in the group who did not join the work, for a moment I lost the sense of the meaning the group had been sent to the church. I could not see God among us, and that made me sad. However, when I prayed in the sanctuary under the cross, God granted me the understanding that no matter how doubtful I become, it will not change the fact that the Lord is with us with his overflowing love.


The Lord has been with us from the beginning and has unsparingly given us what we needed most, according to his timing. Each person could share his or her experience as well at the end. The Lord sent us with trust to different countries under his guidance. As I looked out at the country of Japan from the airplane on the way home, I realized that I was sent to this country. It was not a vague feeling anymore. It convinces me in an even more real way, and I am excited about being sent.I am thankful for where I am. I will continue to pray and face the lives of this country. With thanks for the prayers and support, and to the Lord.

(Tr. BN)

—Yatsuzuka Haruka, member

Kwansei Gakuin Church, Nishinomiya


I Love Taiwan Mission 2015 に参加して




台湾基督長老教会が主催する「I Love Taiwan」は2002年から始まり、今年で第13回を迎えた。7月1日から7月18日まで「恵みの記しを見よ」のテーマで行われ、18カ国から90名の海外青年、89名(スタッフも含む)の台湾青年が参加した。教団からは台湾協約委員会を通して2名の参加者が与えられた。初め3日は台湾とPCTを海外青年に知ってもらうプログラムや、牧師による神学基礎講座を含むオリエンテーションと各個教会・機 関への派遣礼拝が行われた。後の10日間は各個教会や機関へ派遣され、夏の日曜学校キャンプのお手伝いや教会の奉仕に携わった。そして最後3日は、派遣先での活動報告と海外青年によるカルチャーナイト等が行われ、最後に閉会礼拝をもって各国へ解 散・派遣となった。

(7月1日から18日の間、現地教会の青年89人、海外参加者90人、参加国18、総勢179人という大がかりな台湾基督長老教会(PCT)主催「I Love Taiwan Mission」(ILT)に日本人として参加する機会を与えられた。)

台湾での18日間と出会いは本当に祝福された時だった。ILTに集められた各国の青年は彼ら彼女らのスタイルで神さまと向き合っていた。思いっきり騒ぎ、思いっきり讃 美し、その時そのときを友とともにいきていた。それぞれが異なる政治的状況にあり、受けてきた教育も違う。そんな若者たちの集りは驚 きと学び、そして励ましの連続であった。

ILT18日間中10日間は台湾各地のローカルチャーチへと派遣されたが、私が他7人の兄弟・姉妹らと共に派遣された長光教会での日々は希望と苦難が混在した10日間であった。私たち8人の関係性は良かったものの、当初は共に派遣されたメンバーであるという恵みを十分には共感できていな かった。そして教会近くの畑の整備のあと、私は泣いた。ワークに参加しないメンバーの姿を見ているうちに、私たち8人が長光教会に派遣された意味がわからなくなり、私たちの間に神様の存在を確信できず、そんな現状、そし てそんな自分がとても悲しかったからである。けれど、礼拝堂で十字架に向かい祈るうちに、どれだけ私が主の存在を疑ったとしても主は 絶えず共にいてくださる最も愛に溢れるお方なのだということを思い知らされた。主ははじめから私たちとともにいて、その時そのときに 最も必要なもの、とき、であい等を惜しまず与えて下さるのである。これはシェアリングのさいにそれぞれの口から証として語られてい た。主は私たち1人1人をリードし、かつ信頼をもって各国に送り出して下さっているのではないだろうか。そして、帰路の飛行機 から日本の大地をみて、”あぁ、ここが私の遣わされた地なのだ。”と感じた。いままでは”きっとそうなのだろう”という感覚でこの事柄を捉えていたが、いまはこの事をリアルに感じ、ワクワクしている自分がいる。八束春 香(関西学院教会)

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