日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

Message from the General Secretary

Every year, each of the 17 Kyodan districts holds its annual assembly. This year, the process began on April 29 in Hokkai District and concluded on June 29 in Kanagawa District.The task of visiting each of the district assemblies was divided up this year, as usual, between the Kyodan moderator, vice-moderator, secretary, and general secretary, with each participating in four or five assemblies according to their respective schedules. Each district has its own unique issues, so going to each assembly to listen to the opinions and requests of the delegates provides a chance to narrow the gap between the Kyodan and its individual districts. It likewise is a golden opportunity for the Kyodan leadership to make appeals to the districts. Thus, such district assemblies are occasions when the Kyodan and the districts can have meaningful exchanges, but there were also some disappointments.Most of the districts welcomed the Kyodan representative at their assemblies, but unfortunately, there were difficulties with both Kyoto and Okinawa districts. We continued our efforts to work something out, and finally, Kyodan Moderator Ishibashi Hideo was able to attend the Kyoto District Assembly for the first time in eleven years. That, however, was in the form of attending the conference held prior to the actual assembly as Kyoto District continues to decline to accept a visiting official from the Kyodan as a guest. Nevertheless, this was a step in the right direction.As for myself, I was able to visit the Okinawa District Assembly for the first time in 40 years. For the past ten years, Okinawa District has also refused to accept an official representative from the Kyodan, but I was allowed to attend as a general observer.Okinawa District was formed in the winter of 1969 as a result of the merger of the United Church of Christ in Okinawa (Okinawa Kyodan) and the United Church of Christ in Japan (Kyodan). Not long afterwards, however, the newly formed Okinawa District began to call for a “reevaluation of the merger,” as viewed from the perspective of the Okinawan people. After a long process, that perennial issue of “Reevaluation of the Merger” was rejected at the 2002 General Assembly due to a time limit, and ever since, Okinawa District has maintained its distance from the Kyodan and has not accepted an official observer from the Kyodan at its district assembly. As a new generation emerges, however, the time has come for this unhealthy situation existing between the Kyodan and its districts to be normalized again. (Tr. TB)—Nagasaki Tetsuo, general secretary







教団総会議長、副議長、書記、そして総幹事の4人は、それぞれ手分けして各地の教区総会を訪問することになっている。つまり一人平均4つの教区総会に時間のやりくりをして訪問している。それぞれの教区が固有の課題を抱え、教区総会議員の意 見や要望に耳を傾けることは、より教団と教区の距離を近づけることになる。同時に私たちが教団として教区に訴えたいことを伝える絶好 の機会ともなる。教団と教区の豊かな交流の場となることを願っているが、時には不本意な結果に終わることもあった。

多くの教区で教団4役は問安使として受け入れられているが、京都教区と沖縄教区はそうではないという悲しい現実がある。それ でも教団4役は訪問を調整し続けるのであるが。京都教区に11年ぶりに石橋秀雄教団総会議長が訪問した。それは教区総会前の協議会に出席が許されたからである。依然と して京都教区には正式なゲストとしては受け入れていただけないが、それでも少し前進したと私は思う。

私自身は今回約40年ぶりに沖縄教区総会を訪ねた。教団問安使として受け入れていただきたいのであるが、それはこの10年叶わず、一般傍聴人として参加した。1969年の冬、沖縄キリスト教団と日本基督教団は合同し、新たに沖縄教区が誕生した。その直後から沖縄教区はウ チナンチュウの立場から「合同のとらえなおし」の問題提起をされた。その後、幾多の経緯を経て2013年に開催された第33回教団総会において「合同のとらえなおし」議案は時間切れ廃案となった。それ以来、沖縄教区は教団と距離 を置き、教区総会にも問安使が拒否されるようになった。世代が変わりつつある今、教区と教団との不健全な距離感を正常に戻す時が来て いる。(長崎哲夫総幹事)

Kyodan News
〒169-0051 東京都新宿区西早稲田2-3-18-31
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The United Church of Christ in Japan