日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

“I love Taiwan Mission Camp” Impacts International Participants


by Hosoda Joy, member

Higashi Nakano Church, West Tokyo District

I was given the opportunity to attend the “I Love Taiwan Mission Camp” as a Japanese participant from June 26 to July 12. A total of 155 people from 23 countries around the world participated in this event, which included 50 staff members, 4 volunteers, 32 local youths, and 69 overseas participants. Unfortunately, due to my own university schedule, I had to arrive in Taiwan two days late, almost at the end of the three-day orientation. As a participant from Japan, I was a rarity, and so was given a very warm welcome. After the three-day-orientation, we were separated into groups and sent out to 19 different churches to serve the local communities.

I was sent to the Tek-Tung Church together with one

Attendees at the 3-day orientation

participant each from Hong Kong, Malaysia, and South Korea, and two from both Hungary and Taiwan. Our main The second point involves my participation as a activity during the stay was to help at a summer camp for representative from Japan. One of the purposes of this ILTelementary students led by the youth of the church. I was program is summed up in the theme of the conference, surprised by the number of both the youth and children, “Embrace Taiwan with Love,” and this included learning with 25 youth leading activities for 100 children. Each of about the history of Taiwan. Japan has had a strong us used our talents to make this a very successful summer influence on Taiwan, and although we now have a friendly camp. We had a fun-filled ten days together at the Tek-relationship, it is a difficult thing for Taiwanese to forgive Tung Church, and then we headed to Tainan, where all of easily what Japan did during the World War II years, the groups gathered together again to share our stories. when they oppressed the native populations. Although it is

impossible for us to change history, we can still learn from There are two things I learned from my experience that I it. I feel strongly that Japanese education must include this would like to share. The first point is about the youth of point. The Taiwanese have studied this history and yet they Taiwan. The youth I met in Taiwan were so passionate. still love the Japanese. I hope to give back even more love They organized all the activities during the summer to Taiwan. camp as well as other activities for our enjoyment. It was obvious that they had themselves grown up in these The churches in Taiwan were filled with love and faith. summer camps and the church. I was deeply impressed by I received love from the Taiwanese as well as from the the words the pastor of Tek-Tung Church shared with us overseas participants who gathered in Taiwan. I would when he said that these children and youth are so important like to end this report with warm thanks to the United for the future. He said that it is because they are children of Church of Christ in Japan for sending me to Taiwan, to the God that they are precious right now at this moment. The members of the Student Christian Fellowship for choosing children know that they are cherished by the adults in the me, and to my own family and the participants of ILT 2014 church, and this will help them to remain in the Tek-Tung for their support. Most of all, of course, I want to thank Church in the future. God for being with me the whole way.

I Love Taiwan 報告


6 月26日から7月12日の間スタッフ50人、ボランティア4人、現地教会の青年32人、海外参加者69人、参加国23、総勢155人という大がかりなI Love Taiwan Missionに日本人として参加する機会を与えられた。学校があった私は、2日遅れの参加となったが、日本人の参加者が珍し かったらしく着いてすぐにみんなから大歓迎された。3日間のオリエンテー ションを兼ねた全体会の後、グループに分けられ台湾各地の19の教会に派遣され、そ こで奉仕を行った。

私 が派遣されたのは彰化鼎にある竹塘教会。年齢性別国籍言語の異なった8人という大型グループで香港、マレーシ ア、韓国、ハンガリー(2)、台湾(2)、日 本というチーム編成だった。教会で の主な活動内容は教会の青年たちの運営による子どもたちを集めての「サマーキャンプ」のお手伝い。まず教会の青年の数に 驚く、また通ってくる子どもたちの数に驚く。青年25人、子ども100人、さまざまなプログ ラムで子どもたちを楽しませた。海外参加者一人ひとりの賜物が 生かされキャンプは大成功に終わっ た。10日間楽しく過ごした竹 塘教会と別れを告げ台南に全参加者が再び集まりそれぞれの教会の報告会をもった。


そ の1:青年について。台湾の青年はパワフルだった。サマーキャンプはもちろんだが、青年たちは私たちをも楽しませ るためのプログラムをいくつも用意してく れた。この青年たちは幼い頃こう いったキャンプや教会生活で育っていった青年であることは明らかであった。竹塘教会の牧師はもちろんこの子どもたち、青 年 たちは将来のために大切な存在であ るのだが、彼らは神さまの子どもであるから「今、この瞬間」に大切な存在なのだと語られた言葉が強く印象に残った。だか らこそ彼らは教会に残り続けているのだ。

その2:日本人として台湾のプログラムに参加したこと。ILTの目的の中のひとつに「台湾を愛す」という課題があるため台湾の歴史を学ぶ機会も多く与えられた。いくら親日 国の台湾でも戦争の場面や原住民弾圧は許しがたい出来事。歴史は変えることはできないが、学ぶことはできる。日本でも しっかりと教育してこの点を学ぶべきだと感じた。日本との深い歴史を知った上でなお日本を愛してくれる台湾。私はそれ以 上の愛を返したいと思った。

台湾の教会は愛と信仰で溢れていた。台湾人も、台湾に集まってきた外国人も愛に溢れていることを直接感じるこ とができた。

送り出してくださった教団のみなさま、すすめてくださったSCFの方々、サポートしてくれた家族とILTの仲間たち、そしてはじめからおわりまでずっと一緒にいてくださった神さまに感謝してILT2014の報告とさせていただきます。細田 じょい(東中野教会員)

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The United Church of Christ in Japan