日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

WCC Representatives Officially Visit Prime Minister Abe’s Residence


A delegation of seven persons, led by World Council of Churches General Secretary Olav Tveit, was scheduled to come to Japan on Aug. 1, 2014 for about a week to make official visits to various places around Japan. However, due to Rev. Dr. Tveit’s sudden hospitalization, all events on the schedule, other than the planned visit to Prime Minister Abe Shinzo’s official residence, had to be postponed. The purpose of the visit to the prime minister’s residence was to hand-deliver personally to Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga two resolutions adopted by the WCC Central Committee at its July meeting. These resolutions, entitled “Towards a Nuclear-free World” and “The Re-interpretation of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution,” were written to communicate the voices of the 500 million followers of Christ in churches in 140 nations that are members of the WCC. Its head office in Geneva felt that the timing for communicating these resolutions was critical, so they decided that Rev. Dr. Chang Sang, head of the Asian region of the WCC, and Kim Donson, WCC executive secretary, should make the visit in place of General Secretary Tveit.

Rev. Chang was accompanied by Rev. Nishihara Renta, member of the WCC Central Committee; Rev. Kato Makoto, executive secretary of the Kyodan’s Commission on Ecumenical Ministries; Rev. Ueda Hiroko, former acting general secretary of the National Christian Council in Japan; and Noguchi Yoichi, executive director of the Niwano Peace Foundation. They met with Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga on Aug. 4, and after exchanging business cards, Rev. Chang communicated through an interpreter the message from the WCC for about 15 minutes.

Concerning the resolution entitled “Towards a Nuclear-free World,” Rev. Chang said that nuclear weapons and real peace were simply two things that cannot exist together and that nuclear power plants should be phased out. With respect to “The Re-interpretation of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution,” Article 9 is viewed not only by East Asian countries but also by the world at large as indicative of a country that loves peace and as a diplomatic asset for Japan. Likewise, the non-military aid Japan has

been giving, which is based on Article 9, is also viewed very favorably. In addition, Rev. Chang said that while Christians in Japan represent only a small minority of the population, the churches have been acting as a beacon of light and hope within Japanese society and that the WCC stands in solidarity with the Japanese churches and the issues they face and will endeavor to support them in every way.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga’s response was consistent with the Japanese government’s stance, but the total length of the meeting was about twice the originally scheduled time, having lasted 20 minutes. Thus, it was a very productive and meaningful meeting from the standpoint of communicating to the Japanese government the voices of both Japanese Christians and Christians from around the world and of indicating that the Christians of the world are watching what the Japanese government is doing. (Tr. TB)


オラフ・トヴェイトWCC総幹事一行7名は、2014年8月1日(金)から約一週間の予定で日本各地を公式訪問する予定であったが、トヴェイト総幹事の緊急入 院により、首相官邸訪問を除きすべての訪日スケジュールが延期となった。首相官邸訪問の目的は、今年7月にWCC中央委員会で採択された「核から解放された世界に向けて」、「日本国憲法第9条再解釈について」の2声明を菅官房長官に直接手渡し、WCCに連なる140ヶ国の教会、5億人のキリスト者を代表して、2声明の語るところを伝えることにあった。ジュネーブの本部は、このタイミングで声明を伝えること の重要性を考慮し、チャン・サンアジア地区議長とキム・ドンソン幹事の訪日を決定した。


名刺交換後、チャン・サン議長は約15分、通訳を介しつつWCCからのメッセージを菅官房長官に伝えた。「核から解放された世界」の声明につ いては、核兵器は真の平和とは全く相容れないものであること、原子力発電所は段階的に廃止するべきであることを伝えた。「日 本国憲法第9条再解釈について」では憲法第9条について、東アジア諸国のみならず全世界で、平和を愛する国としての日本の外交的資産であり、 第9条に基づく非軍事的貢献が高く評価されていることを伝えた。更にチャン・サン議長は日本の教会 は、少数者であっても、日本に光と希望を灯す灯台の役割を果たす存在であり、WCCはこれからも日本の教会と諸課題を共有しつつ、密接にサポートするつもりであることを語った。

菅官房長官の応答は、これまでの政府見解と変わるものではなかったが、会見の 時間は予定の倍の20分であった。日本のキリスト者 の声が、世界のキリスト者の声と共に官房長官に直接届けられ、世界のキリスト者の目が日本政府に向けられていることを伝えら れたことは、極めて有意義であった。(加藤誠)


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