日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

Explanation of the school motto: “Salt of the Earth and Light of the World”


“Salt of the Earth” and “Light of the World” are terms used by Jesus to describe how the lives of Christians affect society and are more a declaration than a teaching. Aoyama Gakuin stands on the declaration that “you are precious.”


“Salt of the Earth.”  Salt gives flavor, stops decay, and cleanses. Our bodies consist of 0.7 percent salt and need about 10 grams of salt each day. Just as salt is unseen in us, we should do things for others and for society without particularly being noticed to add flavor, stop decay, and cleanse what is unclean.


“Light of the World.”  Like a beacon or guiding light, light is what provides us with brilliance to lead us and warmth to comfort us. Light also kills germs and provides us with energy. In the same way, the acts we do that are seen can provide others with hope, encouragement, and energy; this should be our school’s goal.


Although the words “Earth” and “World” refer literally to our planet, “reality without God” and “humans deprived of dignity” are closer to what these words mean in this context. So through God’s grace, because we are called “salt” and “light,” Aoyama Gakuin should be demonstrating these truths in its education and cultivation of others. (Tr. WJ)


—From Shinto no Tomo (Believers’ Friends), December 2013 issue


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