日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

About UCCJ

 戦後の日本のキリスト教界は戦時下で合同した教会の幾つかは以前の教派に回帰して再建したり、戦後に教派的な背景をもった外国からの宣教師の働きや 独自の働きによって新しく生まれた教団が多くあります。その中で合同の形にとどまった教会、戦後に形成された多くの教会が「日本基督教団信仰告白」、教憲・教規のもとに、合同教会として日本キリスト教団を形成しています。また、敗戦によって米軍占領下となり、独自の教団形成をした沖縄キリスト教団と1968年に合同し、現在の「日本キリスト教団」(正式表記は“日本基督教団”The United Church of Christ in Japan: UCCJ)となっています。信徒約16万人、教師約3200人を擁する日本の最大のプロテスタント教団です。




The United Church of Christ in Japan is a group of approximately 1,650 Protestant Christian churches and preaching places across Japan. The UCCJ is divided into 17 districts from Hokkaido to Okinawa, and the churches that have been built in each city engage in mission work that is based on the gospel of the Bible, through worship, Bible study groups, prayer meetings, and other activities.  

Protestant churches in Japan emerged after isolationist policies were lifted in the mid-19th century, through the work of missionaries from Western churches.  In 1872 (Meiji 5), The Church of Christ in Japan was established in Yokohama as the first Japanese church, and this was followed by active missionary work and the rapid establishment of churches throughout the country. In addition to church worship and evangelism, Christians engaged in many fields of work, such as education in Sunday School and mission schools, and social service such as hospitals and social welfare services, contributing greatly to the modernization of Japanese society as pioneers.  Under the influence of early missionaries dispatched from churches abroad, the Protestant Christian church was divided into many denominations, such as the Reformed/Presbyterian churches, Congregationalist churches, Methodist churches and others, each with its own characteristics. However, due to the global spread of the church unity movement, as well as the "Religious Organizations Act," a religious control policy of the Japanese government during World War II, over 30 denominations across Japan amalgamated into one, united church in June 1941.  In postwar Japan, some churches that had been united during the war departed the union to rebuild their previous denominations, while many new churches were born through the work of foreign missionaries, some with denominational backing and others who worked independently. Churches that remained within the united church after the War formed what is now the United Church of Christ in Japan, under the "United Church of Christ in Japan Confession of Faith," as well as the Constitution and Bylaws of the UCCJ. Then, in 1968, the UCCJ was united with the United Church of Christ in Okinawa, which had formed its own regional denomination while under U.S. Military occupation after the war. This union gave us the current United Church of Christ in Japan.

The UCCJ is the largest Protestant church in Japan, with approximately 160,000 members and 3,200  ministers. The "United Church of Christ in Japan Confession of Faith" is a concise confession that is based on the fundamental tenets of the evangelical (Protestant) faith, as set out from ancient times in the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and proclaimed in the 17th century Reformation. These include the belief that the Bible is the word of God and the infallible standard of faith and life, belief in the Trinity God of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and belief in Jesus Christ as the Savior. The UCCJ is a member the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) and, amid our fellowship with churches around the world, we have forged cooperative relations with churches in Korea and Taiwan, and with churches in Indonesia, North America, Germany and Switzerland, sending and receiving missionaries and participating in the mission work of a globalizing world.

Churches and preaching places belonging to the United Church of Christ in Japan are formed by the members of each church, and are self-administered by church board meeting under pastors and evangelists. Worship in every church is open to all people. Each church provides information about its historical background, as well as worship services and gatherings on its website, so we invite you to take a look and participate.

Worship can vary between churches, but is basically composed of hymns, prayers, Bible readings, prayers, a sermon, an offering and a benediction. As worshippers before God, we pray with heartfelt gratitude and repentance toward God's grace, listen to the Bible’s word and its exposition, confirm our faith, offer gifts as a sign of our devotion, and dispatched into this world. Sometimes the service includes a "baptism," in which one confess their faith and joins the church, or a "communion," which commemorates the Lord Jesus Christ's crucifixion and pouring out of His flesh and blood for the forgiveness of our sins. These two rituals are called "sacraments” and have been cherished since ancient times as a testimonial expression of the mysteries of Christ. Communion is a ritual that is open to those who have been baptized to become Christian.

There is a time of "offering" during a worship service. Offerings are not like a participation fee, but gifts that are given freely as a sign and response of gratitude and devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ, for giving His life for our sins and revealing God's grace. These gifts are used to maintain church activities, support missionary work, and serve society.


 創立記念総会 於富士見町教会 1941年6月24日-25日

〒169-0051 東京都新宿区西早稲田2-3-18-31
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The United Church of Christ in Japan