福島第一原子力発電所事故3 年目を迎えるに際しての議長声明
「産めよ、増えよ、海の水に満ちよ。」(創世記1 章22 節)
東日本大震災から2 年が経過しました。今この時も地震と津波によって困難な生活を強いられている方々、そして、放射能汚染によって住む家を失い、故郷を失い、不安の中に生活をしておられる方々、原発事故の現場で被曝の危険を伴うなかで懸命にその対応に取り組んでおられる方々の上に、神のお守りがありますようにお祈りいたします。
日本基督教団は昨年3 月に発表した『福島第一原子力発電所事故に関する議長声明』において、「原子力発電というものが……神の創造の秩序を破壊し、命あるものの関係を断ち切る人類滅亡の危機の始まりとなりうること」を指摘しました。
東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故直後に大量の放射能が大気と海に放出され、今なお放出され続けています。今回の原発事故で放出された放射能は、大気や海や土、そして人体と命あるものを犯し続け、命あるもののつながりを断ち切り、生態系を脅かし続けています。放射性廃棄物が放射能を排出しなくなるまでには1 万年から10 万年かかると言われています。また、放射性廃棄物の安定的な保管に関して日本政府はいかなる将来見通しも、具体的な計画も持っておりません。さらに、どのような容器に入れて地中深く埋めたとしても、放射線が外部に放出されないという保証はありません。このような放射性廃棄物は世界中の原発で生み出され続けています。
聖書においては、「産めよ、増えよ、海の水に満ちよ。」(創世記1 章22 節)と、海の中の命あるもの、空を飛ぶ命あるもの、地の命あるもの、そして人間を神は祝福されたこと、神とのつながりの中で、命ある全てのものが生きることが求められています。しかし、原子力発電は神が祝福された世界を破壊し、子どもたちの未来を閉ざす結果をもたらそうとしております。
震災から3 年目を迎えるに際し、原子力発電所の稼動停止と廃炉に向かっての処置がなされることをあらためて求めつつ、世界に神の創造の秩序が回復されるように、教団に属するすべての教会・伝道所において祈りを深めていただきたいと切望いたします。
2013 年3 月11 日
総会議長 石橋秀雄
UCCJ Moderator’s Statement on the Occasion of the Third Year of the Accident at TEPCO Daiichi Nuclear Power Facility
March 11, 2013
Hideo Ishibashi, Moderator United Church of Christ in Japan
“Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas.”(Genesis 1:22)
Already two years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake. However, even today there remains many whose lives are impacted by the earthquake. This is especially so for those who because of radiation contamination have lost their homes and community and whose daily lives or lived out in danger and uncertainty. Our prayers for God’s protection are with those who face difficulties as a result of the nuclear disaster.
On the occasion of the occasion of the second anniversary of the disaster the United Church of Christ in Japan issued a statement entitled The Moderator’s Statement Concerning the Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Plant Disaster in which pointed out, “This thing called Nuclear Energy destroys the order of God’s creation and initiates a crisis which will bring about the annihilation of all life forms.” Despite the crowded living conditions and lack of space in Japan, we continue to build nuclear power facilities in cramped spaces. The awesome power of nature goes beyond are our human capacity to imagine its dangers, and this nuclear accident clearly demonstrates just how utterly powerless we human beings are against the forces of nature. Furthermore, it demonstrates that all nuclear power facilities share in the same kind of vulnerability and that there is a potential for truly devastating consequences.
It should be noted that a large amount of radioactive contamination was released both into the atmosphere and into the ocean immediately following the Fukushima Daiichi accident and that this release of radioactive contamination continues to happen. This disaster spread radiation throughout the air and the seas and by human action the viability all forms of life, the very environment itself, has been threatened. It is said that it takes from ten thousand to one hundred thousand years for the radioactive waste to fully lose its toxicity. Unfortunately, at this point the Japanese government does not have a concrete plan on how to deal with the safe containment and storage of all of this radioactive material. Furthermore, there is no safe way to bury the material without endangering the ground water. We live in a world which must continue to deal with this matter of contaminated nuclear waste disposal.
In Genesis 1:22 the Bible says, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas.” Along with humankind, God blessed all the life that fills the air and the sea. All forms of life throughout the world are interconnected by sharing in God’s blessing. However, nuclear power plants, destroy the world which God created and blessed and shuts the door on our children’s future.
The United Church of Christ in Japan has been engaged in helping the victims of nuclear radiation through programs for children in preschools and daycares in the affected areas that allow them remove themselves from their environment for short periods of time, it has also purchased screening equipment to help victims have a greater awareness of their endangerment. Further, we are planning to hold an international conference on the issue of nuclear power and earthquakes in the near future.
In the midst of this society which values financial economy over human life, as Christians who have become aware that our own lifestyles share in the responsibility for these problems are led to pray a prayer of confession. It is my steadfast desire that the United Church of Christ in Japan and each of its partner churches throughout the world will join together in working for real progress on solving these issues.
As we enter into the third year after the Great East Japan Earthquake we reiterate our desire for the shut down and decommissioning of all nuclear power plants so that there can be restoration to the order of this world which the Lord God has created. All of the congregations of the United Church of Christian Japan earnestly ask for prayers that what is desired might come to fruition.