日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan



 すでに支援活動を始めたACT(Action by Churches TogetherAllianceの呼びかけに応えた救援募金です。

日本基督教団社会委員長 柳谷知之


募金期間 2024年3月末
目 標 額 特に定めず
送 金 先 加入者名 日本基督教団社会委員会
郵便振替 00150-2-593699


Occupied Palestinian Territories: ACT Palestine Forum Emergency Response in the Occupied Palestinian Territories – Gaza Conflict –
占領下のパレスチナ領土 ACT パレスチナ・フォーラム パレスチナ占領地における緊急対応-ガザ紛争-

On October 7, the Government of Israel declared war and initiated a series of airstrikes on the densely populated Gaza Strip, after Palestinian armed groups breached the security barrier at several points resulting in significant loss of life while simultaneously launching barrage of rockets into Israel. The attacks from both parties, led to the loss of thousands of Palestinian and Israeli lives, with tens of thousands of individuals sustaining injuries.

In Palestine, the ongoing hostilities have created a humanitarian crisis, with homes, schools, medical facilities, and critical infrastructures being extensively damaged or destroyed.  In the Gaza Strip, the conflict has led to significant and alarming mass displacement of people. Approximately 1.4 million out of Gaza’s 2.2 million residents are currently displaced.

Gaza Ministry of Public Works and Housing reported 15,749 housing units destroyed, 10,935 uninhabitable and 142,500 housing units sustained minor to moderate damage. The total number of housing units reported as destroyed or damaged accounts for at least 43% of all housing units in the Gaza Strip. The attacks have affected 34 healthcare facilities and 24 ambulances. Twelve hospitals and 46 primary care clinics are no longer functioning.

All five wastewater treatment plants in Gaza have been forced to shut down due to lack of power, which previously provided water and sanitation services to over 1.1M people. 2 out of the 3 main lines mobile and internet communications were destroyed, hindering the communication channels.

As a result of the war in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem are witnessing an escalation of violence, including casualties, settler violence, and attacks on healthcare facilities and staff. Due to the security situation, Israeli has put many restrictions on movement and access throughout the West Bank, putting more strains on people’s livelihoods and are severely impacting access to essential services.

ACT Palestine Forum members DSPR, LWF, HEKS-EPER and ELCJHL are responding to this conflict with an appeal to raise USD 5,237,649 over two years for responding to the urgent needs with special focus on people who have been directly affected by the current conflict in Gaza, Jerusalem and the West Bank.


 パレスチナでは、続く敵対行為によって人道的危機が生じ、家屋、学校、医療施設、重要なインフラが広範囲にわたって損壊または破壊されている。 ガザ地区では、紛争により、大規模かつ憂慮すべき大量の避難民が発生している。現在、ガザの住民220万人のうち約140万人が避難している。


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The United Church of Christ in Japan