日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

【December 2022 No.411】11th WCC General Assembly Convenes in Germany(7)


After a hiatus of nine years, the 11th  World Council of Churches' General Assembly was held from Aug. 31 to Sept. 8, 2022 in Karlsruhe, Germany. Japan was represented by five delegates from its four member churches: the Kyodan, the Korean Christian Church in Japan, the Anglican Church in Japan, and the Orthodox Church in Japan. The Kyodan delegates were Nishinosono Michiko, chair of the Commission on Ecumenical Ministries, and Rev. Ise Nozomi, who represented the youth. Also, as stewards, Tokyo Union Theoloical Seminary student Uchida Koshiroh  and as partial visitor, Doshisha University Professor Kitani Kanan attended. About 3,000 people, including the 750 delegates, attended the event.

The Russian Orthodox Church, as a member of the WCC, sent about 20 delegates to the main assembly. When WCC acting general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca visited Ukraine prior to the event to encourage its participation, the Ukrainians requested that the Russian Orthodox Church be disqualified from attending. However, Sauca told them the role of the WCC was a platform “to foster dialogue between churches who are not in agreement between themselves,” so Ukraine sent 11 representatives as guests so the Ukrainian side could be given the opportunity to make its appeal concerning the situation in Ukraine. On the final day of the assembly, “War in Ukraine, Peace and Justice in the European Region” was adopted a public issue. Likewise, as part of another public issue, the general secretaries of the National Christian Council in Japan, the Anglican Church in Japan, and the Kyodan worked to have included a reference to Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution as being  “an important heritage” in the world, which was adopted by the assembly.

For the interim period until the next general assembly, 150 WCC Central Committee members were chosen, including Kyodan delegate Nishinosono. (Tr. TB)

 Nishinosono Michiko, chair
Commission on Ecumenical Ministries




 本総会には、WCC加盟教会でもあるロシア正教会からも代表議員が参加。ウクライナには事前にWCCの代表者が訪ね、本総会への出席を促した。ウクライナ側からはロシア正教会の参加資格を無くすよう申し出もあったが、異なる立場の者たちの対話のプラットホームを提供するのが自分たちの役割だとのWCCの立場も受け入れた上で、一一名の教会代表者たちがウクライナからゲストとして総会に参加し、直接ウクライナの状況を訴える機会が設けられた。総会最終日には、パブリック・イシュー (public issue)  としてWar in Ukraine, Peace and Justice in the European Region (ウクライナの戦争、ヨーロッパ地域における平和と正義)が採択された。NCC、聖公会、在日大韓教会、日本基督教団各総幹事連名でWCCに提案した「憲法9条は世界の宝である」との声明もWCCのバブリック・イシューの文言の中に組み込まれ、議場で採択された。




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