日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

Live-broadcasting on the Internet by Children "Time to Chat♪ Its Great!"


by Namba Masachika, pastor
Shibetsu Church, Hokkaido
Several times each month, the church school children at Shibetsu Church broadcast live programs over the Internet. The children enjoy making special programs about their experiences in activities of our church, churches in the northern Hokkaido subdistrict and in the district as a whole. They also enjoy covering events in the local community and doing such things as putting together quizzes for the audience. Basically, they write their own scripts, then develop and direct the programs themselves.
These programs were started for members of the church not able to attend worship services. However, discussion of how to relay the kids' vitality through fellowship with the local people led to the making of such "programs for broadcasting." The programs are characterized by a point of view and a way of speaking that is unique to elementary and middle school children. The aim is to have a variety of connections with people locally and even overseas, through the church. The church members are also being revitalized by the energy of the youth. (Tr. RK)
―From Shinto no Tomo (Believers' Friend)
A team from the Japan Evangelical Mission, which is headquartered in Korea, came to Shibetsu and were featured as guests on one of the broadcasts. As an ending, they sang a song in both Japanese and Korean, the title of which translates into English as "You were born to be loved." (See the church's website: http://www.douhoku.org/shibetsu.)
子どもたちがインターネット生放送。おしゃべりタイム♪ イイ感じ!北海道・士別教会、牧師・難 波真実
 士別教会では月に数回、教会学校の子どもたちによる番組を配信しています(インター ネット生放送)。教会や地区、教区、地域の行事に参加した体験などをまとめて特集するほか、クイズなどのコーナーも設けて楽しんでいま す。基本的には、自分たちで台本を書き、構成し、進行も務めます。もともとは礼拝に出られない人のために始めた中継ですが、子どもたちの バイタリティーを地域との交流につなげられないかと考えて話し合ったところ、「番組を作ろう」ということになったのです。小中学生ならで はの視点やトークが持ち味です。人や地域、海外とのつながり、教会を通していろんな関わりができていくことを目ざしています。若い人たち のエネルギーに、教会員たちもたくさんの元気をもらっています。((信徒の友)

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The United Church of Christ in Japan