日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

2010 Kyodan Newsletter Index


No./p. Mo.
2nd Christian Education Seminar Convened in Shizuoka...358/3 June
(EMS) Ecumenical Youth Volunteer Program in Germany.357/5 Apr.
Higashi Subdistrict in Tokyo Holds Protestant Christianity's
150th Anniversary Event for Children .......................356/2 Feb.
Japanese-Taiwanese Youth Mission Event held in Taiwan.360/3 Dec.
"Youth Evangelism" Topic of Education Committee
Cousultation .................................................................360/3 Dec.
Association of Kyodan-related Prison Chaplains Founded..359/2 Oct.
Christian Schools Council Holds General Assembly in Tokyo 357/4 Apr.
Church in Korea Conducts Japanese Worship Services.......357/3 Apr.
Completion of Yearlong Celebration of 150th Anniversary of
Protestant Christianity in Japan...................................358/2 June
"Death and Funerals" Theme of West Tokyo District
Pastors' Seminar ..........................................................358/7 June
Following in the Footsteps of My Father, Lee In Ha ..........356/7 Feb.
Founder of Fukuoka Jogakuin, Jennie Margaret Gheer (1846-1910) 360/5 Dec.
General Secretary's Diary: Kyodan's Commemorative Events
for the 150th Year .........................................................356/8 Feb.
General Secretary's Diary:Reviews of Recent Publications360/8 Dec.
Higashi Subdistrict in Tokyo Holds Protestant
Christianity's 150th Anniversary Event for Children .356/2 Feb.
Hiroshima Nanbu Church "Cosmic Meeting" Ministers
to Troubled Hearts ........................................................356/3 Feb.
Hokusei Gakuen: Founded by Women Missionaries
on the Frontier of Japan ...............................................359/6 Oct.
Honoring the Name of Mary Isabella Lambuth ...................356/4 Feb.
Learning from our Catholic Brethren ...................................358/4 June
Legacy of Missionary Anny Buzzell in Tohoku District ....358/5 June
Local Events Promote Deeper Japanese-Korean Relations.359/4 Oct.
Makiba's Challenge as a Home for Elderly Persons ...........360/6 Dec.
My Office Bible Study Group: Encouragement for My Work,
Stronghold for My Faith .............................................358/6 June
Serving as a Kyodan Missionary in the U.S.A. ...................359/5 Oct.
Sharing the Christmas Message of Hope with Prisoners in Song 360/1 Dec.
"Sharing Together in the Blessings of the Gospel" .............357/2 Apr.
Students Engraved on My Heart: Elizabeth Russell's 40 Years at
Kwassui Gakuin ...........................................................357/6 Apr.
Support for Families Grieving Deaths by Suicide ...............358/7 June
Tokai District Raises Potatoes to Raise Its Support Fund ...356/1 Feb.
2nd Christian Education Seminar Convened in Shizuoka ..358/3 June
Association of Kyodan-related Prison Chaplains Founded .359/2 Oct.
Christian Schools Council Holds General Assembly in Tokyo
357/4 Apr.
Completion of Yearlong Celebration of 150th Anniversary of
Protestant Christianity in Japan ..................................358/2 June
Consultation Planned for Churches in Korea, Switzerland, Japan 357/7 Apr.
Evangelishe Missionwerk Sudwestdeutschland (EMS)
Conference Held in Germany .....................................359/3 Oct.
General Secretary's Diary: Kyodan's Commemorative Events
   for the 150th Year .........................................................356/8 Feb.
General Secretary's Diary: Reflections on the General Assembly
of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan ........................358/8 June
Missional Planning Conference Held on "Confirming
the Kyodan's Ecclesiology" ........................................358/1 June
Tokai District Raises Potatoes to Raise Its Support Fund ...356/1 Feb.
"Youth Evangelism" Topic of Education Committee
Cousultation ..................................................................360/3 Dec.
38th Northeast Asia Church Mission Conference Held
in Sapporo .....................................................................359/7 Oct. Christian Schools Council Holds General Assembly
in Tokyo .........................................................................357/4 Apr. Church in Korea Conducts Japanese Worship Services .......357/3 Apr.
Consultation Planned for Churches in Korea, Switzerland,
Japan ..............................................................................357/7 Apr. (EMS) Ecumenical Youth Volunteer Program in Germany..357/5 Apr.
Evangelishe Missionwerk Sudwestdeutschland (EMS)
Conference Held in Germany .......................................359/3 Oct.
Faith Journey of the New Japanese Church in Brussels ......360/7 Dec.
Following in the Footsteps of My Father, Lee In Ha ...........356/7 Feb.
General Secretary's Diary: Reflections on the General
Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan .......358/8 June
Japanese-Taiwanese Youth Mission Event held in Taiwan .360/3 Dec.
Learning from our Catholic Brethren ...................................358/4 June
Local Events Promote Deeper Japanese-Korean Relations .359/4 Oct.
"Message of Peace" for Peace Sunday, Aug. 1, 2010 ..........360/4 Dec.
Serving as a Kyodan Missionary in the U.S.A. ....................359/5 Oct.
"Youth Evangelism" Topic of Education Committee
Cousultation ..................................................................360/3 Dec.
2nd Christian Education Seminar Convened in Shizuoka ...358/3 June
Association of Kyodan-related Prison Chaplains Founded .359/2 Oct.
Christian Schools Council Holds General Assembly
in Tokyo .........................................................................357/4 Apr.
Church in Korea Conducts Japanese Worship Services .......357/3 Apr.
Completion of Yearlong Celebration of 150th Anniversary of
Protestant Christianity in Japan ...................................358/2 June
"Death and Funerals" Theme of West Tokyo District
Pastors' Seminar ............................................................358/7 June
(EMS) Ecumenical Youth Volunteer Program in Germany..357/5 Apr.
Faith Journey of the New Japanese Church in Brussels ......360/7 Dec.
Following in the Footsteps of My Father, Lee In Ha ...........356/7 Feb.
Founder of Fukuoka Jogakuin, Jennie Margaret Gheer .....360/5 Dec.
General Secretary's Diary: The Kyodan's Commemorative
Events for the 150th Year ............................................ 356/8 Feb.
Higashi Subdistrict in Tokyo Holds Protestant
Christianity's 150th Anniversary Event for Children .356/2 Feb.
Hiroshima Nanbu Church "Cosmic Meeting" Ministers
to Troubled Hearts .......................................................356/3 Feb.
Hokusei Gakuen: Founded by Women Missionaries
on the Frontier of Japan ..............................................359/6 Oct.
Honoring the Name of Mary Isabella Lambuth ...................356/4 Feb.
Japanese-Taiwanese Youth Mission Event held in Taiwan .360/3 Dec.
Legacy of Missionary Anny Buzzell in Tohoku District ....358/5 June
Makiba's Challenge as a Home for Elderly Persons ............360/6 Dec.
"Message of Peace" for Peace Sunday, Aug. 1, 2010 ..........360/4 Dec.
Missional Planning Conference Held on "Confirming
the Kyodan's Ecclesiology" ........................................358/1 June
My Office Bible Study Group: Encouragement for
My Work, Stronghold for My Faith ...........................358/6 June
Sharing the Christmas Message of Hope with Prisoners
in Song .........................................................................360/1 Dec.
"Sharing Together in the Blessings of the Gospel" ..............357/2 Apr.
Students Engraved on My Heart: Elizabeth Russell's
40 Years at Kwassui Gakuin .......................................357/6 Apr.
Support for Families Grieving Deaths by Suicide ...............358/7 June
Tokai District Raises Potatoes to Raise Its Support Fund ....356/1 Feb.
General Secretary's Diary ......................................................357/8 Apr.
General Secretary's Diary: Kyodan's Commemorative
Events for the 150th Year ............................................356/8 Feb.
General Secretary's Diary: Reflections on the General
Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan ......358/8 June
General Secretary's Diary: Reviewing the District Assemblies
359/8 Oct.
General Secretary's Diary:Reviews of Recent Publications360/8 Dec.
"Message of Peace" for Peace Sunday, Aug. 1, 2010..........360/4 Dec.
Executive Council & General Assembly
37th Kyodan General Assembly Elects New Slate of
Officers ..........................................................................360/2 Dec.
Executive Council Makes Preparations for the 37th
(2010) General Assembly ...........................................359/1 Oct.
Kyodan Executive Council Held Feb. 15-16 in Tokyo ......357/1 Apr.
Districts and Subdistricts General Secretary's Diary: Reviewing the District
Assemblies ...................................................................359/8 Oct.
Higashi Subdistrict in Tokyo Holds Protestant
Christianity's 150th Anniversary Event for Children .356/2 Feb.
Hiroshima Nanbu Church "Cosmic Meeting" Ministers
to Troubled Hearts ........................................................356/3 Feb.
Local Events Promote Deeper Japanese-Korean Relations 359/4 Oct.
Tokai District Raises Potatoes to Raise Its Support Fund ...356/1 Feb.
Following in the Footsteps of My Father, Lee In Ha ..........356/7 Feb.
Founder of Fukuoka Jogakuin, Jennie Margaret Gheer .....360/5 Dec.
Hokusei Gakuen: Founded by Women Missionaries
on the Frontier of Japan ................................................359/6 Oct.
Honoring the Name of Mary Isabella Lambuth ..................356/4 Feb.
Legacy of Missionary Anny Buzzell in Tohoku District ....358/5 June
Students Engraved on My Heart: Elizabeth Russell's
40 Years at Kwassui Gakuin ........................................357/6 Apr.
Domestic Issues (Discrimination) Following in the Footsteps of My Father, Lee In Ha ..........356/7 Feb.
Social Work and Service Association of Kyodan-related Prison Chaplains Founded .359/2 Oct.
"Death and Funerals" Theme of West Tokyo
District Pastors' Seminar .............................................358/7 June
Hiroshima Nanbu Church "Cosmic Meeting" Ministers
to Troubled Hearts ........................................................356/3 Feb.
Makiba's Challenge as a Home for Elderly Persons ...........360/6 Dec.
Sharing the Christmas Message of Hope with
Prisoners in Song .........................................................360/1 Dec.
Support for Families Grieving Deaths by Suicide ..............358/7 June
War and Peace; Militarism; Nationalism; and Domestic Politics "Message of Peace" for Peace Sunday, Aug. 1, 2010 .........360/4 Dec.

Kyodan News
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The United Church of Christ in Japan