日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

【June 2022 No.410】Regarding the Prayer for Peace(2)


— Remembering Ukraine and Russia

 On February 24, Russia invaded Ukraine. This is an unacceptable act, for any reason. In particular, regarding President Vladimir Putin’s order to place Russia’s nuclear deterrent force on special alert, we as a church in Japan, the only country to have suffered atomic bombings, must make every effort to prevent the worst of all outcomes.

 We therefore wish to listen and submit to the words of scripture, "Let them turn away from evil and do good; let them seek peace and pursue it" (I Peter 3:11), deeply repent our own sin of failing to hold back Russia’s military invasion, call for the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine, and pray together the "Prayer for Peace — Remembering Ukraine and Russia" prepared by the Commission on Ecumenical Ministries. The World Council of Churches and the National Christian Council in Japan have issued statements condemning Russia's use of force and calling for an end to the fighting, and the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan and others have issued calls to gather in prayer for an end to the fighting. We wish to respond to these calls through this prayer.

Hideo Ishibashi, moderator of the Kyodan General Assembly
March 2, 2022 (Ash Wednesday)

「平和を求める祈り -ウクライナとロシアを覚えて-」について

 そこで私たちは、「悪から遠ざかり、善を行い、平和を願って、これを追い求めよ。」(ペトロの手紙 一 3章11節)とのみ言葉に聴き従い、ロシアの軍事侵攻を押しとどめることができなかった私たち自身の罪を深く悔い改めつつ、ウクライナからのロシア軍の即時撤退を求め、世界宣教委員会が作成した「平和を求める祈り -ウクライナとロシアを覚えて-」を共に祈りたいと思います。

日本基督教団 総会議長 石 橋  秀 雄

Kyodan News
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