日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

Growing Sweet Potatoes in the Neighboring Vacant Lot "God Gave the Growth"


Growing Sweet Potatoes in the Neighboring Vacant Lot
"God Gave the Growth"
There is a 15-square meter vacant lot on the south side of our church.
Completely covered with almost impenetrable weeds, it posed the danger
of sooner or later becoming a trash dump. To help the children become
better acquainted with the adults, our church school joins the adult
worship services on Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. On these
occasions there is usually a potluck lunch, except for the Thanksgiving
lunch, which we cook together at the church. So last year, for the
Thanksgiving lunch, we decided to plant some sweet potato seedlings in
the vacant lot.

On the last Sunday in May, we planted the seedlings. Of course, in
preparation, adult members had cut the weeds, tilled the land, and built
ridges in the field. Five months later, on Nov.16, a week before
Thanksgiving Sunday worship service, the sweet potatoes were ready to be
harvested. Unfortunately, it was raining that day, and there were fewer
children than usual. However, the result was as shown in the photo. The
children planted, the pastor watered. Otherwise, they were mostly left
unattended. It was truly an experience of "God gave the growth". (Tr. RK)
-- Tanaka Takahiro, pastor
Momoyama Church, Chubu District
From Shinto no Tomo(Believers' Friend)

Former Worship Sanctuary becomes an Art Museum
Meditation Space with Famous Biblical Pictures

Using the opportunity when the worship sanctuary was moved down to the
first floor, the former second-floor worship sanctuary was converted
into a museum of art. The museum features biblical pictures by the late
Nishizaka Osamu and some contemporary prints by the late Watanabe Sadao.
As the above two artists are comparatively well known, the display
surprises some of the visitors.

As can be seen in the photos, there is a restful ambience between the
former sanctuary and these works by Christian artists. One visitor said,
"Here one can spend a nice quiet time with a cup of coffee." The museum
is not advertised, so it is not widely known, but it serves as a
meditation space for this small village church. There is no admission
fee. (Tr. RK)

-- Hoshino Masaoki, pastor
Matsuzaki Church, Tokai District
From Shinto no Tomo(Believers' Friend)

Kyodan News
〒169-0051 東京都新宿区西早稲田2-3-18-31
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The United Church of Christ in Japan