日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

Church's Monthly Birthday Party Celebrates God's Gift of Life


Every third Sunday, our pastor introduces persons who have birthdays that month.He presents birthday cards he has made, then offers prayers of blessings. Afterwards, a birthday party is held under the theme "Let us celebrate together!"

"When we were very young, we used to have very happy birthdays, but people close to us do not celebrate our birthdays anymore, and we have forgotten the joy of these days." "I wish I could celebrate my birthday with joy and gratitude because it is 'the anniversary day' of the life God has given me." These sentiments expressed by members of the congregation prompted the organization of the monthly birthday party project. Each person shares how it feels to have a birthday, and we all sing each one's favorite hymn together. Our worship service every Sunday is observed by people of all ages together, including kindergarten children, teachers, and mothers. We come to worship "as children who are like adults and as adults who are like children." Since our motto is to do every activity together, we celebrate our birthdays together, and everyone is invited to come to the party table, too. "We are all God's family!" (Tr. HL)

Iizuka Takuya, pastor
Ryugasaki Chruch, Kanto District
Shinto no Tomo (Believer s' Friend)

Kyodan News
〒169-0051 東京都新宿区西早稲田2-3-18-31
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The United Church of Christ in Japan