日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

【December 2019 No.405】Mabikura: A Place of Comfort for Disaster Survivors


by Nobuto Yoshihide, Wake Church and Mitsuishi Church, Higashi Chugoku District

Following the disastrous flooding of the Mabi-cho of Kurashiki, a city in Okayama, due to the extremely heavy rains that occurred in western Japan in July 2018, we set up a relief center in a rented store building, first repairing the damage to the structure. As we desired it to be a place that brought warmth and comfort to the lives of the people there, we named it “Mabikura” (an abbreviation of the Japanese phrase meaning that). Operated by the Okayama Christian Disaster Support Headquarters, it is a joint effort of the Mission Gathering of Okayama Prefecture, the YMCA Setouchi , and Higashi Chugoku District. Relief activities began in December 2018, and we plan to continue the effort until March 2021. A dedicated staff operates the center on a daily basis from 10 am to 5 pm. Mabikura focuses its efforts in three areas: providing a place to relax, supporting children, and supporting temporary housing.


Singing Coffee Shop

From this past May, a group of us from Wake and Mitsuishi churches have held a “Singing Coffee Shop” on the third Wednesday of the month from 1:30 pm, as part of our effort to give people a place to relax. Accompanied by guitar, bass, piano, and “djembe” (hand drums), we sing songs for about an hour. We make a point of including one hymn as a means of trying to connect people to Jesus, the “true place to relax.” Then we offer snacks and drinks around the tables as we provide a listening ear for people to tell us about the trials they faced during the flood, all the problems they have had to deal with in the aftermath, and their ongoing struggles. This program is sponsored by Higashi Chugoku District, which provides the necessary funding, including transportation costs.


Management Committee

The management committee consists not only of a representation from each of the sponsoring organizations but also Kyodan Executive Secretary for Ecumenical Ministries Kato Makoto, who participates as a representative of the Kyodan, which funded the repairs to the building in which Mabikura operates. Mabikura has also become a place where churches of various denominations join forces to serve the needs of the people affected by the disaster. It is our prayer that it will continue to do so. (Tr. TB)

From Higashi Chugoku District News, No. 175



  和気教会・三石教会 延藤好英



 昨年七月の西日本豪雨のあと、倉敷市真備町に、被災した店舗をお借りし、改装して生まれたのが「まびくら」という支援センターです。「まびに くらしの ぬくもりを」という願いを込めて「まびくら」と名付けられました。岡山キリスト災害支援室(構成員は、岡山県宣教集い、YMCAせとうち、東中国教区)で運営しています。二○一八年一二月から二○二一年三月までの活動予定です。毎日午前一〇時から午後五時まで、専属のスタッフがいて開館しています。









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