日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

【October 2019 No.404】2019 Japan-Germany Youth Mission


 by Rev. Naka Yoshiyuki, Bible Teacher,

 Seirei Christopher High School

The 2019 Japan-Germany Youth Mission was held from July 25 to August 3. The eight members from Japan this time ranged from second-year middle school students through first-year college students: three boys, five girls, and two leaders (a man and a woman). The receiving church group in Germany was the Kirchenkreis Wittstock-Ruppin District, with District Superintendent Matthias Puppe bearing most of that responsibility.


The overall theme was “Genesis,” and after arriving, participants were divided into two groups to make artistic creations related to the first and second chapters of the Book of Genesis. We used such items as clay and tree leaves and displayed our creations at St. Marien Church where the Sunday worship service was held. Compared to Chapter 1, the realistic creations of Adam and Eve in Chapter 2 made a deep impression.


Continuing with the theme of “Genesis,” several other events were planned, including a discussion about the environmental issues of both countries, long-distance cycling and camping, and a time of prayer in a historic sanctuary, making for a full schedule. On the eighth day, we visited Berliner Missionswerk’s mission center and had a chance for interchange with Pfr. Dr. Christof Theilemann, Director of Berliner Missionswerk. He passionately related his recollections of feeling inferior as a believer during the former period of East Germany and stated that the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki “must never, NEVER be repeated.”


Preparation was done this time by three members in their 20s, who were the core of the task team; Rev. Kataoka Hoko of Kamakura Sensui Church and I served in the role of advisors. I am grateful for the place the young people were given for enthusiastic interaction. (Tr. RT)






 今回は20代3名のタスクチームを中心に、私と片岡宝子牧師(鎌倉泉水教会)がアドバイザーという立場で準備を進めました。それも含めて青年たちが生き生きと活躍できる場が与えられたことに感謝する次第です。(聖隷クリストファー中・高 教務教師 仲 義之)

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