日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

【April 2019 No.402】Missionary Commissioned to Serve in Paraguay


The Commissioning Ceremony for Missionary Ehara Yukiko was held at 3 p.m. on March 10, 2019 at Asagaya Church. Rev. Kato Makoto, executive secretary of the Commission on Ecumenical Ministries, presided over the service, and Rev. Kokai Hikari, a commission member, gave the sermon. The commissioning service was attended by more than 100 persons from Asagaya Church as well as several pastors of other nearby churches. Asagaya Church Pastor Furuya Haruo is heading up the support group for Ehara.


Ehara is scheduled to be sent to Sakai Keishi Memorial Free Methodist Church in Pirapo, Paraguay in early May. The nation of Paraguay is located in the central part of South America, and Pirapo is one of seven areas where Japanese immigrants settled, beginning in 1937. Pirapo is about an 8-hour drive from the capital city of Asuncion.


The church had been without a pastor for about 40 years until 2016, when Missionary Chibana Sugako was sent there and served until January of this year. After completion of the process of purchasing property, construction of a new church building was begun in October 2018. The sanctuary is to be finished by the end of March. After her arrival, Ehara will officiate at the dedication service of the new church and at a wedding.

(Tr. TB)

Kato Makoto, executive secretary







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