日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

【February 2019 No.401】PCT-Kyodan Consultation Convened in Japan


The 16th Joint Church Consultation between the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) and the Kyodan was held Nov. 13-15 at Howa Seminar Plaza and Minamiyama Church in Aichi Prefecture, with 13 participants from the PCT and 30 from the Kyodan. The theme of the gathering was “Suffer Together, Rejoice Together” (1 Cor. 12:26). In a workshop prior to the consultation, the Kyodan participants learned about the 1930 Wushe Incident, the Feb. 28, 1947 Massacre, the 1979 Kaohsiung Incident, and the current relations between Taiwan and China. Kyodan Moderator  Ishibashi Hideo preached the sermon at the opening worship service, and Vice-moderator  Kuze Sorachi hosted the evening reception and dinner where participants were able to get acquainted.


On the second day, PCT General Secretary Lyim Hong-Tiong explained the political situation in Taiwan and spoke about the church’s mission and challenge to walk hand-in-hand with the people to seek “justice and peace.”  In addition, there were reports on the work of missionaries Divan Suqluman in Hokkai District and Yuki Takai-Heller at Tainan Theological College and Seminary, and PCT Secretary  Lin Wei-Lien reported on volunteer activities in Okayama following the torrential rains and flooding in western Japan in June and July 2018. Osaka District Moderator  Ogasawara Jun also expressed his gratitude to the PCT for its aid after the earthquake that hit northern Osaka on June 18, 2018. In the afternoon, the assembly moved to Minamiyama Church and separated into groups that toured Silver Home Makiba (a Kyodan-run home for the elderly), the Aichi Farm facility, the Asian Health Institute Hospital, the Asian Health Institute (AHI), and a special nursing-care facility for elderly persons called "Nozomi" (Hope). In the evening, members of Minamiyama Church prepared a delicious meal of nabe stew and sukiyaki, and everyone enjoyed meaningful fellowship.


On the third day, the participants heard a report by young people on the Taiwan Youth Mission, as well as reports on the mission agreements between Hyogo District and Takao Presbytery and between Tohoku District and Kagi Presbytery, all of which affirmed the deepening cooperation of both denominations in a variety of settings.  In addition, participants conferred on the writing of a joint declaration. At the closing worship service, PCT Moderator  Hsieh Pao-Tsan delivered the sermon, and the consultation ended with all the participants joining hands and singing “Malji malji ti Yisusama” (Thank and praise the Lord) in the Paiwan language (an indigenous language of Taiwan and one of its national languages). (Tr. DB)

—Sato Takafumi, secretary Commission on Taiwan Church Relations


第16回台湾基督長老教会Presbyterian Church in Taiwan(PCT)と日本基督教団との教会協議会

 第16回台湾基督長老教会Presbyterian Church in Taiwan(PCT)と日本基督教団との教会協議会が、11月13日から15日まで、愛知県の邦和セミナープラザと南山教会を会場にして開催された。主題は「共に悩み、共に喜ぶ」(第一コリント12:26)、参加者はPCTから13名、教団からは30名であった。教団参加者は協議会前に事前研修をおこない、1930 年の霧社事件や1947年の2.28事件、1979年の高雄事件)や中台関係などついて学んだ。開会礼拝では石橋秀雄総会議長が説教を担当し、久世そらち(Kuze Sorachi)総会副議長の司会で歓迎夕食会が開かれ、懇談の時を持った。

 2日目の協議では、PCTの林芳仲総幹事より、台湾が置かれている政治的状況についての解説があり、民衆と共に歩む「正義と平和」を求める教会の使命と挑戦についての発題があった。さらにディバン・スクルマン宣教師の北海教区での働きと、高井ヘラー由紀宣教師の台南神学院 での働きが報告され、PCTの林偉聯幹事が西日本豪雨災害における岡山でのボランティア活動報告をした。小笠原純大阪教区議長からは大阪北部地震の際のPCTからの支援に対する謝辞が述べられた。午後は南山教会へ移動し、グループにわかれてシルバーホームまきばと愛知牧場、愛知国際病院、AHI(アジア保健研修所)、特別養護老人ホームのぞみを見学した。夕食は南山教会の方々が準備して下さった鍋料理とすき焼きを堪能し、交流を深めた。3日目は青年たちによる台湾ユースミッション報告と、兵庫教区と高雄中会との宣教協約報告、東北教区と嘉義中会との宣教協約報告を聞き、両教団が様々な場で協力を深めていることを確認した。さらに共同声明文作成のための協議をおこなった。閉会礼拝ではPCTの薛伯讚(Hsieh, Pao-Tsan)議長が説教を担当し、最後は参加者全員で手をつないで「マリ・マリ・ティ・イエスさま」をパイワン語で賛美して協議会を終えた。佐藤飛文(台湾協約委員会書記)

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