日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

【June 2018 No.398】International Symposium Held in Korea


by Akiyama Toru, general secretary

 The 18th Korea-Japan-Korean Christian Church in Japan (KCCJ) International Symposium was held April 23-25 at the Christian Center in Seoul, Korea. This international symposium began in the 1980s, when a movement had arisen to protest the fingerprinting of foreigners under Japan's Alien Registration Act to make this an issue for common engagement among Japanese and Korean churches together with KCCJ. Hosted by the Korean National Council of Churches (NCCK), the National Christian Council in Japan (NCCJ), and the National Conference of Christians Seeking Institution of a Basic Law for Non-Japanese Residents (Gaikikyo), these meetings have alternated between Japan and Korea, on a twice-in-three-years cycle.

 This 18th meeting was an ecumenical gathering, with 24 participants from Korea and 26 from Japan. The theme chosen for this year was “Mission Among Immigrants by Churches in Japan and Korea: Situations, Prospects and Challenges.” In Korea 2 million, and in Japan 2.5 million immigrants live as members of society. The purpose of this meeting was to review the work of our churches, for whom reconciliation and inclusivity are common missions, and to share the challenges we face. The number of issues is considerable: exploitation, discrimination, and disfavor toward migrant workers, sexual assaults against immigrant women in international marriage, rampant hate speech and hate crime, and so on.

 Among the reports we heard, I was especially glad to learn about the practical and wide-ranging work of the Roman Catholic Church. We heard from Bishop Matsuura Goro of Catholic Commission of Japan for Migrants, Refugees and People on the Move, and about the work of Sinapis (mustard seed) in the Osaka Diocese. We also learned about the work of the Immigrant Ministry Office of the Catholic Church’s Jeonju Diocese in South Korea. There was a time when discrimination toward Koreans living in Japan was the central concern among advocates for immigrant communities. Since then, we have moved through a time when the number of Chinese people increased quickly, and now it is people from Vietnam who are arriving in greatest numbers. As circumstances change rapidly, the church is confronted by the question: How are we to perform mission effectively in response to these challenges?

 The conference ended with a joint declaration of six common concerns. One of these states: “We endeavor to create and promote a network that will share with one another our challenges and accomplishments, so we may overcome colonialism and racial discrimination and build a church and a society that is mutually life-giving.” The next conference will be held in Japan in 2020. (Tr. DGM)



総幹事 秋山徹

 表記の集会が4月23日(月)~25日(水)韓国ソウルの基督教会館で行われた。この会は、1980年 代に起こった指紋押捺拒否をめぐる運動を契機にして、この問題を日本・韓国・在日の教会の共同課題として取り組むために始められた国際シ ンポジュウムで、韓国キリスト教協議会、NCC、外国人移住民基本法制定を求める 全国基督教連絡協議会(外キ協)の共同主催で、3年に2回韓国と日本で交互に行われ、今回で18回 を数えている。参加者は韓国側24名、日本側26名で超教派の集まりであった。

 今回のテーマは「日韓教会の移住民宣教、現状と 展望、そして課題」で、韓国では200万人日本では250万人を超える移住民が社会の構成員として生きている現状に対して和解と共生を使命と する教会はどのような働をしているかを検証し課題を共有する集会であった。移住労働者に対する労働搾取や差別と嫌悪、国際結婚移住女性に 対する性暴力、ヘイトスピーチ、ヘイトクライムの横行等、課題とすべき問題は山積している。今回両国の移住民宣教の現状が報告され、特に 日本からは日本カトリック難民移住移動者委員会の松浦司教と大阪司教区で行われているシナピス(からし種)の働き、韓国カトリック教会の 全州教区移住司牧局の働きなどカトリック教会が展開している現実的で多方面にわたる働きを聞くことができた。

 移住民の状況は在日韓国人・朝鮮人差別の問題が 中心であった時代から中国人が多くなった時代、そして現在はベトナム人の流入が最大になっている現状、急速に変化する現状からのチャレン ジに対して教会がどのように有効な宣教の働きを展開しているかが問われている。会議は「私たちは、植民地主義、人種主義を乗り越え、とも に生かしあう社会と教会を形成するために、互いの課題と成果を共有するネットワーク作りを推進する」など6つの共同課題を宣言して終わった。次回は2020年 日本で開催される。

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The United Church of Christ in Japan