by George Ndjungu, former assistant director
Student Christian Fellowship, Tokyo
George Ndjungu was born in 1989 in the Democratic Republic of Congo. At age 8, due to his parents becoming missionaries, he moved to the US and the following year to Senegal, where his parents were appointed as resident missionaries. He graduated from a high school in Boston and soon after enrolled at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte. He studied Japanese as a second language in college and now serves in Japan. — From Kyodan Shinpo (The Kyodan Times)
As of December 2015 to the present, I have been serving as an assistant to Pastor Noda Taku at the Student Christian Fellowship related to the Kyodan. I have been blessed with the opportunity to serve as a young adult missionary with the United Methodist Church. More specifically, I have been sent by the mission arm of the UMC through a program called “Generation Transformation.” This program seeks to recruit young adults from all over the world, train them, and then send them back into the world for missions. Any young adult between the ages of 20 and 30, a Christian of any denomination who can communicate in English and who can commit for a two-year mission period is welcome to apply. As for me, I have had the particular privilege to serve here in Japan through the help of the Wesley Foundation.
My primary function at SCF is to assist Pastor Noda in all his work. However, given that the nature of the work at SCF focuses on young adult activity rather than office work, my sphere of activity largely falls here as well. We have numerous programs and events where young adults are central. From Bible classes to dinner nights, night hikes, barbecues, and so on. All events are bred by the young adults. As one of the young adults, it is my responsibility to be involved with all events from conception to realization.
I have in many ways been in the care of our young adults at SCF. They usually help me with many things even before I ask anything of them. In particular, they have been my greatest teachers in how to navigate my way wisely through the complex daily Japanese lifestyle. I am infinitely grateful. Besides advice on living in Japan, they have also been more than able teachers in various other ways. Chief among these is the lesson they have taught me in serving others. The Scriptures declare that Christ, who is God, emptied Himself, humbled Himself by taking on the likeness of a manservant, and died on the Cross—this in order to lead the human race back to God, against whom we had rebelled. The Scriptures also exhort us to learn from Christ’s example and so serve others, as He did. I was made to realize that I had not known this fundamental principle of the Christian life until I came to SCF. Therefore, not only am I thankful to everyone at SCF for so teaching me but I am also thankful to God who used SCF to show me my spiritual immaturity.
It is safe to say that, by coming to Japan, I have come to the knowledge of Christ; in other words, I have become a Christian. Now of course, I was aware of what it entailed to be a Christian before coming to Japan. Raised in a minister’s home, the greater part of my education has been founded on Christian teaching, and I have for my whole life professed the Christian religion. However, I am in no confusion that it was not until I came to Japan that Christ was truly revealed to me: this because I was made to realize that although I had come to Japan to witness to Christ, I actually did not know Him. Left helpless, I had nowhere else to turn than to the one who made me realize that I was empty: Christ Himself. From then on, He made me understand that mission does not begin with someone else, but that it first had to begin with my own heart. It is here in Japan that I came to understand that the Christian life begins when one says to God, “Here am I; let Thy will be done in me O Lord.” Returning to God with the whole heart; serving Christ as Lord and Savior; this is what it means to be a follower of Christ. I was made to realize that here in Japan. I thank and bless the Lord for this.
Pastor Noda has been very kind in giving me free reign to conduct the English Bible Study we currently have at SCF. Without the use of any other study materials, we gather together around the Word of God and listen to what He has to say to us. If the Lord inclines you to, please pray that this gathering may continue to the glory of God and that it may be a means by which many that are lost can be found again by their heavenly Father. To Him alone be glory now and forevermore. Amen.
☆ジョージ・ジュングさん George Ndjungu 1989年生まれ。アフリカ・
SCFには、 青年宣教者として、
SCFでは、 主に、野田先生のサポートをさせていただいています。ですが、S
SCFでは、 自ら何かを相談する前に、
SCFの皆さ んのお陰で色んな面で成長しましたが、一番大きいのは、
今SCFでやって いるEnglish Bible Studyはその名 の通り、英語で聖書を勉強しています。第一の目的は、