日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

【February 2017 No.391】70th Anniversary of LARA Celebrated


Church World Service Japan coordinated an event with 130 attendees on Nov. 30, 2016 at Waseda Hoshien’s Scott Hall in Tokyo entitled “The Message of LARA for Today, 70th Anniversary of LARA Forum.” “LARA" stands for “Licensed Agencies for Relief in Asia” and was a program approved by President Harry Truman to facilitate the provision of “LARA goods,” such as clothes, shoes, and food to the Japanese people by churches and other organizations in North America. From 1946 until 1952, roughly one-sixth of the Japanese people, about 14 million, received aid, worth about 40 billion yen. Such aid was also provided to Korean people.


During the opening ceremonies, former Kyodan General Secretary Nagasaki Tetsuo, as a representative of the Kyodan, which at that time was made up of all Protestant Churches, and by extension as the representative of all Japanese, expressed his gratitude to the leaders of the organizations making up LARA. These included the Reverend George Ernest Bott (Church World Service), Esther B. Rose (American Friends Service), Father Michael J. Mackilop (Catholic War Relief Service), as well as 13 other church and civic group organizations that joined in the effort: the Church World Service affiliates of the various North American Protestant denominations, the American Friends Service Committee, the Catholic War Relief Service Committee, the Salvation Army, the YMCA and the YWCA, the American Federation of Labor, the Congregation of Industrial Organization, the Brethren Service Committee, the Girl Scouts, the Lutheran World Relief, the Unitarian Service Committee, and the Christian Science Service Commitee.

Yamada Kanji, chairman of the Board of Directors, Japan Church World Service, emceed the program, which began with a video introduction of LARA. This was followed by presentations by representatives of the USA and Japan: the Reverend John L. McCullough, president and CEO of Church World Service, and Miyamoto Kazumu, principal of Bott Memorial Home, who focused on the spirit of LARA and how it was based in the Christian faith and the Bible.


Part 2 of the program consisted of a panel discussion by five representatives of humanitarian organizations, led by CWS Japan Director Komino Takeshi. The panel members were: Saiki Mitsue, director of Japan Church World Service; Katayama Nobuhiko, national director of World Vision Japan; Yamamoto Masaki, chief director of Hope House; Shimada Shigeru, general secretary of the National Council of YMCAs of Japan; and Kokai Chang Hikari, representative director of Wesley Zaidan, all of whom spoke passionately of their individual perspectives.


The program concluded with a time of fellowship in Scott Gallery, located in the basement of Scott Hall. It was a wonderful opportunity for us all to reflect back on the spirit behind the LARA program and to think about how Christian churches and other organizations can best conduct humanitarian aid in today's world. (Tr. TB)


— Nagasaki Tetsuo, former general secretary


A movie on LARA's history can be viewed on YouTube at http://www.cwsjapan.org/lara.

2016年11月30日早稲田奉仕園スコットホールで、CWS Japan(チャーチ・ワールド・サービス・ジャパン)他5団体共催によって「今伝えたいララからのメッセージ-ララ70周年記念フォーラム」が参加者130名を得て開催された。 「ララ」は、「Licensed Agencies for Relief in Asia」の頭文字をとって呼ばれた通称である。「脱脂粉乳」や「ララ物資」等、戦争世代の誰もが知る、北米諸教会・団体の支援活 動を、トルーマン大統領が認可した民間の「アジア救援公認団体」である。 1946年から52年まで当時の日本人の6分の1に当たる1400万人が恩恵に浴したと言われ(円換算にして約400億円相当)、日本及び韓国への救済事業である。 開会挨拶で、長崎哲夫前教団総幹事は、教団はもとより国内全教会人・日本人を代表して同事業の指導者ジョージ・E・バット博士(CWS)、エスター・B・ローズ女史(米国フレンズ奉仕団)、ミカエル・J・マキロップ神父(カトリック戦時救済奉仕団)をはじめ北米プロテス タント各派合同の教会世界奉仕団・フレンド派・カトリック・救世軍・YMCA・YWCA・米労働総同盟・産業別組合・ブレズレン・ガールスカウト・ルーテ ル・ユニテリアン・クリスチャンサイエンス等、13の教会・団体に対して謝 辞を述べた。 プログラムの総合司会は日本キリスト教奉仕団理事長の山田貫司氏が務 め、第1部として、ララ物資記録動画が上映された後、CWS代表ジョン・マッ カラー牧師とバット博士記念ホーム園長宮本和武氏とによってララの精神がキリスト教信仰と聖書に基づくことが語られた。 第2部では、パネルディスカッションが小美野剛CWS Japan事務局長の司会で、ララの公平・裏方・尊敬・自発性・分かち合い等の精神をめぐって片山信彦ワールド・ビジョン事務局長、 小海光ウェスレー財団代表理事、齋木満惠日本キリスト教奉仕団理事、島田茂日本YMCA同盟総主事、山本雅基き ぼうのいえ理事長5氏による熱い発言があった。  会の終了後は、早稲田奉仕園スコットホールの地下にあるホールで和やかな交流会が持たれ、また違った雰囲気で、各々の交 流が行われた。ララの精神を振り返り、キリスト教諸教会および諸団体の今後の人道支援の在り方を考える良い機会となった。 (長崎哲夫報)

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