日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

【December 2016 No.390】PCT and the Kyodan Convene 15th Joint Consultation


The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) and the Kyodan held a joint church consultation, Aug. 22-25, in Taiwan. This was the 15th such biennial consultation of the two churches and alternates between the two countries. This time it was held in the city of Guanziling in southern Taiwan. The theme was “Imitating Christ: Becoming Humble Servants of God” (Micah 6:8, I Cor. 11:1).


There were 49 persons in attendance, including 22 from the Kyodan. The program consisted of an opening worship service, two morning prayer meetings, six plenary sessions, and a closing worship service, after which a joint declaration was released. Those attending included not only cabinet members, general secretaries, and program secretaries from both churches but also participants from the various districts, missionaries assigned to both countries, and in particular, young people who took responsibility and participated actively, thus giving me a great sense of hope.


The themes for the plenary sessions were: “The Current State of the Church and its Task/Challenges,” “The Future of Young People in the Church,” “Reflections on Mission Activity/Humaniterian Aid,” “Mission among the Native Peoples,” “The Challenge of Participating in International Organizations,” and “Reflections and Prospects of the PCT and Kyodan Mission Agreement.”


There were presentations from both churches, followed by discussion. Based on the joint trust that has been built over the years, there were frank discussions on how we can cooperate and deal with the real problems confronting us. I felt that the discussions presented a challenge for the Kyodan to sincerely confront these problems. The fact that the deliberation in preparation for the joint declaration extended far beyond the scheduled one hour to almost three hours is an indication of that challenge. It is a reminder of the difficulty as well as the blessing of a united church in mission together with a denominational church.


The location of this consultation was a hot spring area developed by Japanese during the colonization of Taiwan. On a field trip, we visited Hatta Yoichi Dam, also built during the colonization, has been a great benefit to agriculture/farming in southern Taiwan. Remembering and understanding the history of the Japanese colonization of Taiwan, I feel that we must return to the theme of our consultation as the Kyodan and PCT continue our mission journey together. (Tr. JS)

—Murayama Moriyoshi, member

Commission on Ecumenical Ministries

From Kyodan Shinpo (The Kyodan Times), No. 4848

「教団と台湾基督長老教会との教会協議 会」報告


台湾基督長老教会Presbyterian Church in Taiwan(以下PCT)と教団の教会協議会が8月22日から25日まで台湾で行われた。今回15回を数える協議会は二年に一度、台湾と 日本で交互に開催されており、今回は台湾南部の關子嶺(Guanziling)で「共にキリストに倣い、へりくだって神に仕えるしもべとなる(ミカ書6章8節、コリントの信徒への手紙一 11章1節)



両教会・教団の三役、総幹事、担当幹事、だけでなく、教区から送り出された出席者、それぞれの派遣宣教師 に加えて、青年たちが活き活きと役割を担って主体的に参加している姿に希望を見出す思いがした。


「教会の現状と課題」、「教会青年の未来」、「宣教活動の振り返り 災害救援と復興、「宣教活動の振り 返り 原住民宣教」、「国際組織への参加の課題」、「PCTと教団宣教協約の振り返りと展望」がセッションのテーマで、両教会から発題があり、討論がなされた。PCTと教団がこれまで築いてきた信頼関係に基づいて、これから具体的な問題に協力してどう対処して行くのか、 という課題に教団が誠実に向き合うことが求められていることを感じた話し合いであった。共同声明の協議に、予定の一時間を大きく超え て、三時間近く費やされたことからも伺えるだろう。合同教団が教派教会と共に歩む難しさと豊かさを覚えたい。


今回の会場は、日本の植民地時代に開設された日本式の温泉地であった。フィールドトリップは、日本統治 時代に作られ、台湾南部の農業に大きく貢献した八田與一ダムの見学であった。 台湾が日本の植民地であった事実を理解した上で、現在、これからのPCTと教団の歩みを協議会のテーマに立ち返って歩むことが求められているのではないだろうか。村山盛芳(世界宣教委員)(教団新報4848号)

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