日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

【February 2016 No.386】Typhoon-caused Flooding Inundates Church and Kindergarten in Ibaraki Prefecture


by Iizuka Takuya, director

                                                                                                                              Mitsukaido Church Volunteer Center

                                                                                                            Pastor, Ryugasaki Church


On Sept. 10, 2015, flooding from heavy rain concentrated in the area of Joso City in Ibaraki Prefecture claimed the lives of eight people. Added to the loss of life was the loss of houses carried away by torrents of water and the flooding of countless homes.


Mitsukaido Church and Futaba Kodomoen Preschool and Kindergarten, which is connected to it, also suffered considerable damage from the flooding. The rain that fell on Sept. 10 broke through a river dike and flowed into the lower areas of the district where the church and nursery are located. The depth was reported to have reached 120 centimeters (almost 4 feet) by dawn on Sept. 11. Flooding reached 30~40 centimeters above the floor of the church, while it reached 50 centimeters above the floor of the parsonage. Mud and debris were removed; floors and walls were washed; and everything was cleaned. The carpeting inside the sanctuary was removed, and the flooring was cleaned and sanitized. New carpeting has been put down, and the sanctuary has been made ready for use again. Many things damaged by water had to be discarded.


After the water had receded, those affected gathered at Mitsukaido Church on the evening of Sept. 13, 2015, and after discussion decided together to establish the “Mitsukaido Church Volunteer Center.” Subsequently, volunteers have helped in the cleaning and disposal of waste at the church, the preschool and kindergarten, and in the homes of church members and others affected by flooding. The pastors of Mitsukaido Church, Kato Hisayuki and Kato Kiseko, relocated to Mitsukaido Elementary School following evacuation orders on Sept. 11 but were able to return to the parsonage on the evening of Sept. 14.


The flood came just after construction had begun on the new Futaba Kodomoen Preschool and Kindergarten building. Three of our buses and two automobiles cannot be used due to flood damage. Washing, sanitation, cleaning, and putting things in order are now our daily tasks. However, our most important challenge is restarting our nursery program.


Added to this, of course, is the continued work of addressing the damage suffered in the homes of our church members, our staff, and families connected to our preschool and kindergarten. There is also the continued work of cleaning, arranging, and dealing with the disposal of debris. We are steadily moving toward restoration, but completion will require a bit more time.


As a result of the flooding, people have lost family members and homes. As a church and nursery suffering from our own loss, we are striving to walk together with our neighbors who are also suffering. As a church and preschool sharing this pain and challenge, please hold us in your prayers. (Tr. JS)

—From Shinto no Tomo (Believers’ Friend)

November 2015 issue



茨城・水海道教会 二葉こども園


水海道教会ボランティアセンター統括主任、竜ヶ崎教会牧師 飯塚拓也

 9月10日 に茨城県常総市を中心に大雨が襲い、死者8名 (9月16日 現在)が出たほか家屋の流出、床上浸水など多くの被害をもたらしました。この大水害によって水海道教会と関連施設の二葉こども園が大きな被害を受けました。10日 に降った大雨の水が、11日 の未明より教会と園がある一帯の低地に流れ込み、場所によって最大で120cmに まで達したそうです。

水が引いたあとの13日夕方に、関係者が水海道教会に集まって話し合い、同教会に「水海道教会ボランティアセンター」を設置することを決定しました。以降、 ボランティアが教会と二葉こども園、教会員・関係者宅の清掃と片付け、廃棄物の運搬にあたっています。加藤久幸・加藤輝勢子牧師夫妻 は、11日 の避難指示以降、近くの水海道小学校に避難していましたが、14日の夜より牧師館に戻りました。

教会は会堂が床上30~40cmまで、牧師館は床上50cmま で水に漬かったので床や壁を洗い、泥や汚れをふき取って清掃しました。礼拝堂内部の床はカーペットを全面撤去し、業者が21日~22日 にかけて消毒と清掃をした後、新たにカーペットを敷き直してようやく使用できるまでになりました。水に漬かった物のうち、廃棄せざる を得ない物が相当あります。

二葉こども園は新園舎建築の着工直後でした。それが、3台の園バスと2台 の乗用車が水の被害によって使用不能となりました。園舎の清掃と消毒、洗浄、片付けの毎日ですが、何より保育の再開が大きな課題です。


今回の水害で家族を亡くされた方や家を失った方がいます。このような被災を受けた地域にあって、自らも被災した教会とこども園が地域 と共に歩もうとしています。痛みと課題を共にする水海道教会と二葉こども園のために、どうかお祈りください。(信徒の友11月号)

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