日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

【June 2015 No.383】Planning Meeting Held for the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation


The Project Preparation Committee for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation held its second planning meeting on March 17 at the Kyodan headquarters. Moderator Ishibashi Hideo was away on official business in the Kansai area, but four committee members were in attendance as well as General Secretary Nagasaki Tetsuo, General Affairs Secretary Doke Norikazu, Executive Secretary for Mission Omishima Yoshitaka, and Executive Secretary for Ecumenical Ministries Kato Makoto. After approving the minutes of the previous meeting, Chair Okamura Hisashi introduced the new book, Arasoi kara Majiwari e (Kyobunkan, 2015), a translation of From Conflict to Communion, a joint publication of the Lutheran and Roman Catholic churches in commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Members reflected on the history of the Reformation and reaffirmed the facts that Christianity was proclaimed in Japan through the Counter Reformation, that the Reformation sent the Puritans to a new continent, and moreover that the Reformation played a significant role in the spread of Protestant Christianity to Japan. In addition to commemorating the 500th anniversary as an opportunity for the Kyodan to praise God as a church founded on the tradition of the evangelicalism resulting from the Reformation, the committee reconfirmed its intention to put into place various activities that will mobilize people to dedicate themselves to and pray for Japan’s contribution to evangelism both at home and abroad.

The contents of the talks were as follows.

1. Nakajima Akihiko was chosen to be treasurer of the committee.

2. The contents of the “Memorial Project Plan” were deliberated. In addition to confirming the reason that the Kyodan is commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation and the purpose of associated projects, this first meeting of the committee deliberated two further items:

(1) To testify about the reformation Gospel to all of

Japanese society and to take advantage of this chance to

show to a wide audience that the Christian church is not

divided but is trying to come together, aiming for unity;


(2) To reaffirm the important role that the Reformation

played in the propagation of Christianity in Japan.


3.Details and plans for the memorial worship service were discussed.

4.Various opinions were exchanged concerning the future organization, procedures, and schedule for the Executive Committee. Commemorative events will also be held at the Kyodan General Assembly as well as in the district assemblies, in the hope that this will serve as a chance to be thankful for evangelism to Japan. (Tr. DB)


—Sugimori Yoko, Preparation Committee member

Member, Odawara Jujimachi Church


第二回 宗教改革500周年記念事業準備委員会

3月17日(火)、教団会議室において第2回 宗教改革500周年記念事業準備委員会が開かれた。

出席者は公務で関西出張中の石橋議長以外の委員4名 と、長崎総幹事、総務幹事、宣教部幹事、世界宣教幹事であった。前回議事録確認後、岡村委員長より宗教改革500周年を記念してのルーテル教会とカトリック教会による共同文書『争いから交 わりへ』(教文館、二○一五年、原題“From Conflict to Communion”)が紹介された。改めて宗教改革史を共に振り返り、〈対抗宗教改革〉によって日本にキリスト 教が宣べ伝えられたこと、宗教改革が清教徒を新大陸へ送り出し、さらに日本へのプロテスタント・キリスト教伝搬に重要な役割を果たし たことなどを再確認した。そして日本基督教団が「宗教改革の福音主義の伝統に連なる」教会として、宗教改革500周年を、神を誉め讃 える機会として記念すると共に、日本伝道、世界伝道への献身の思いと祈りを結集するために諸事業を行うことを再確認した。

協議内容は以下の通り。①当委員会の会計に中嶌暁彦を選出した。②「記念事業方針」の内容 について協議した。「宗教改革500周年記念」を日本キリスト教団が記念する理由と、諸事業を行う目的について、第一回委員会で確認 したことのほか、さらに次の2点を加えることとした。イ、日本の社会全体に向かって宗教改革的福音を証しし、キリスト教会が分裂では なく一致を目指して結集しようとしていることを広く示すチャンスとしてこの機会を生かす。ロ、宗教改革が日本のキリスト教伝搬に果た した重要な役割を再確認する。

③「記念礼拝」のあり方、準備について。④今後の実行委員会の組織化、手順及び日程等種々 意見交換をした。教団総会や教区総会においても記念行事を行い、日本への福音伝道を共に感謝する機会をもつことを考えていきたい。  (杉森耀子)

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