日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

Commission on Mission Sees PCT Ministry in Taiwan


by Gushiken Atsushi, pastor

                                                                                                       Yomitan Church, Okinawa District


The sixth meeting of the Commission on Mission during the 2013-14 General Assembly period took place in Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 6-8. On the first day we visited two churches, the first being Suang-Lien Church, which celebrated its 100th anniversary just last year. The head pastor, Rev. Chen Wen Chin, and several church elders told us about the history of the church and its ministry. After that, we went to Tai-An Church in Taipei, which began its ministry in a section of older apartment buildings 55 years ago.


In May, Tai-An Church had just dedicated its fourth sanctuary building, which is part of a large building with four floors underground and eight floors above ground. Rev. Lo Lien Sheng, the head pastor, described to us the church’s mission outreach, especially focusing on its mission work in Malawi, Africa. We were overwhelmed by the scale of the work this one church was able to do.


On the second day, we visited the Mackay Memorial Hospital in the northern part of Taiwan, which had been founded by Dr. George Mackay of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. This hospital has been a pioneer in the medical infrastructure of Taiwan and continues to lead the way. We followed that with a visit to the headquarters of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan, where General Secretary Lin Fang Chung gave us an overview of the PCT. The PCT will be celebrating its 150th anniversary in 2015 and for the past few years has been implementing a training program for the laity entitled “Each One Reach One, Doubling Our Numbers.” We concluded the second day with a visit to Tamsui, where Dr. Mackay first began his work. There we visited Tam-Kang High School (part of a mission school from kindergarten through high school), Aletheia University, and Tamsui Church.


On the final day, we went to Taiwan Theological Seminary and first met with professors of missiology. We then held our own meeting in a room there, where we heard reports and discussed the agenda items that are being carried over into the next general assembly period. Concerning this, Chairperson Harita Makoto made the following comment: “One of the issues that this committee deals with is the mission strategy of the Kyodan. In an age of globalization, we need to pay attention to the changes in society and continue our research into how best to build a structure to deal with that.” The following seven areas are ones we have dealt with in this commission that will be handed over to the new Commission on Mission of the upcoming general assembly period: the strengthening of ties with both the Japan Christian Social Work League and the Japan Association of Christian Nursery Schools; the continuation of the subcommittee considering issues surrounding disabilities; the establishment of a counseling center for pastors and their families; the issues surrounding church-related kindergartens and nurseries in the context of evangelism; research into mission preparedness in an age of globalization; the holding of a mission strategy conference; and beginning to deal with mission strategies. At the end of our meeting, we expressed our gratitude to our translator, Tsai In Tsu. (Tr. TB)

第38回総会期第6回宣教委員会は10月6日㈪~8日㈬ 台北(台湾)にて開催された。初日は二つの教会を訪問。先ず、昨年2013年 に創立百周年を迎えた雙連教会を訪ねた。陳文欽(主任)牧師と長老たちから教会の歴史とその働きを伺った。その後、台北の古いアパー ト群の一角で開拓伝道が開始され、今年創立55周年を迎えた大安教会を訪問。 大安教会はこの5月に4回目の会堂(地下4階、地上8階)を献堂。羅聯昇(主任)牧師から活発な宣教活動、特にマラウイ(アフリカ) の教会への支援活動を一教会で行う大安教会の宣教力に圧倒される思いで伺った。

二日目は、台湾北部で伝道を開始されたカナダ長老教会のマカイ宣教師(Dr.George Mackay)由来の馬偕病院Sin-Lau Christian Hospitalを訪問した。馬偕病院は創立以来、台湾における医療のパイオニア的存在として地域社会に貢 献し続けている。それから、PCT総会(台 湾基督長老教会本部)を訪問。林芳仲総幹事によるPCT紹介を伺った。PTCは2015年に宣教150周年を 迎える。数年程前から「一領一新倍加 門徒培育プログラム」(信徒訓練)を実施している。その後、マカイ宣教師が最初に上陸した淡水へ向かい淡水中学校(幼稚園~高等学校)、真理大学、淡水教 会を訪問。

最終日は、台湾神学院を訪 問。宣教学担当教師と懇談の時を持った。それから、神学院の一室を借用し委員会を開催。諸報告を受け、次期総会期への申し送り事項に ついて協議。張田委員長は次のようにコメント。「当委員会の課題の一つは教団の宣教方策に取り組むことである。グローバル化に伴う社 会変化に着目し、それに対応できる態勢を整えるための研究の継続が求められいる。」第38期 宣教委員会は、左記の7つの申し送り 事項を確認した。①キリスト教社会事業同盟、キリスト教保育所同

との連携強化。②「障がい」を考える小委員会の継続。③「牧会者とその家族のための 相談室」の設置。④幼稚園、保育園問題の課題(伝道協力)。⑤グローバル化時代の宣教態勢の研究。⑥「宣教方策会議」の開催。⑦「宣教方策」の取組みの開始。

最後に通訳奉仕をされた蔡恩慈氏に感謝の意を表し、黙祷をもって閉会した。 (具志堅 篤報)

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