日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

30th Anniversary of the Kyodan-KCCJ Covenant Celebrated


On Sept. 16, the Kyodan and the Korean Christian Church in Japan celebrated the 30th anniversary of their Mutual Mission Agreement, which was established on Feb. 8, 1984 at the Tokyo Korean YMCA in Chiyoda, Tokyo. There were 25 members of the Kyodan and 34 members of the KCCJ present.


Kyodan (former) Vice-moderator Ito Mizuo presided at the opening worship, with KCCJ President Cho Joong Rae, pastor of Funabashi Church, giving a sermon entitled “Stand on the Mountain.” He spoke on Elijah being called by God out of the cave where he was hiding to stand on the open plain with the remaining people who had not bowed down to Baal, as recorded in I Kings, and used that incident to challenge both churches not simply to maintain their mutual agreement but rather to begin walking down a new road together.


After introducing the members at the lunch reception, Kyodan General Secretary Nagasaki Tetsuo facilitated a discussion of four panelists about the present and future of their agreement. Each panelist’s presentation was instrumental in facilitating lively discussions.


1) KCCJ General Secretary Lee Keun Soo, pastor of Ogaki Church, spoke on the past and present history of the agreement and said he felt that discussion of the agreement had not properly penetrated the local churches. He also mentioned that during the discussion of the ratification of the Mission Agreement with the Kyodan at the KCCJ General Assembly in October 1983, which included a contribution from the Kyodan of 100 million yen for cooperative mission, someone questioned whether those funds should be considered as reparations. He then stated that now, after 30 years, “We must clearly state what the fruit of the last 30 years has been, and what has changed.”


2) Heo Bae Kki, chair of the Lay Committee and pastor of Tsukuba Tokyo Church, had made a careful study about the future of the agreement. He introduced a variety of issues for consideration, including clergy exchange and potential cooperation in missionary training and utilization, providing places of worship for new churches, and working together for Korean nationals and the rights of Korean residents in Japan. Also, preparations have begun for the KCCJ-sponsored “International Conference for Minorities and Mission Strategies,” to be held in the fall of 2015. The Kyodan is being asked to cooperate.


3) Harita Makoto, member of the Mutual History Study Committee, declared it a joy to have partnered for 30 years and suggested that “in order to have a deeper fellowship and better cooperative mission, it is necessary to revise the wording of our agreement and establish a new policy.” The ambiguous language of the original agreement needs to be changed in accordance with a new understanding of mission. He feels that more churches will be able to support the cause and work together if there is clear understanding.


4) Kobashi Koichi, also a member of the Mutual History Study Committee, said that it is necessary to deepen mutual understanding of cooperative mission in order to minister to youth, women, board members, children, clergy, et cetera. Also, it is necessary to take up such issues as laws governing foreign residents, with both churches cooperating with NCCJ affiliates and other organizations for mutual understanding.


KCCJ Vice-president Kim Sung Jae, pastor of Nagoya Church, presided at the closing worship. In his sermon, entitled “Restoration of the Life and Power we have Shared,” Ishibashi Hideo commented that Peter’s first sermon caught the souls of the people, leading them to a truly renewed life of worship, communion, and mission. (Tr. WJ)


—From Shinpo (The Kyodan Times), No. 4807

1984年2月8日、教団、在日大韓基督教会The Korean Christian Church in Japan(KCCJ)にて結ばれた協約の30周年記念集会が、この9月16日、 在日本韓国YMCA Tokyo Korean YMCA(東京・千代田)にて開催された。
開会にて献げ られた記念礼拝は、伊藤瑞男教団副議長司式、趙重来CHO JOONG RAE KCCJ総会長・船橋教会牧師が「山に立ちなさい」と題して説教した。列王記から、恐れ洞穴に閉じ籠る預言者エリアを、神は再び召され、広く開 かれている地平、バアルに跪かなかった残りの者たちを示されたこと、両教会も現状維持ではなく、今、新しい歩みを始めなくてはならな いことを語った。
昼食を兼ねたレセプションにて出席者の紹介後、午後には発題者4 名が立てられ長崎哲夫総幹事司会により、協約のこれまで、現在、未来について発題、パネルディスカッションが行なわれた。
李根秀LEE KEUN SOO(イ・ グンス)総会書記・大垣教会牧師は、協約の過去と現在について、協約締結前には各個教会レベルでは十分に議論が浸透していない印象で あったこと、1983年10月に行われたKCCJ総会での協約批准の議論では 「教団からの宣教協約金1億円は賠償金か」との質問が議場からあったこと等を紹介した。30年を経た協約の成果は「何が変わったか正直言って 疑問を呈さざるを得ない」とした。
許伯基HEO BAE KKI(ホ・ ペッキ)信徒委員長・つくば東京教会牧師は、協約の未来について協約に沿って積極的に考察した。人事交流、宣教師の訓練・ 協働の可能性、開拓伝道における礼拝堂提供、在日韓国・朝鮮人人権問題への取組みについて紹介、展望を語った。またKCCJ主催にて15年秋の開催準備が進められている「マイノリティ問 題と宣教戦略国際会議」への教団の協力を訴えた。
張田眞歴史共同研究委員は、協約締結30年を喜びとするとして「より深い会的交わりと宣教協力関係を樹立するため、協約文の更新、指針作成」を提案した。 協約文にはあいまいな文言や協約締結当時の教団の宣教理解が反映された文言がある。更新によって多くの教会が協約の主旨に賛同し得る とした。
小橋孝一歴史共同研究委員は、協約のこれからとして、青年、婦 人、役員、子ども、教職等、さまざま分野の交流、伝道協力が行われ相互理解をなお一層深める必要があるとした。また外国人住民基本法 制定等に見られる社会的課の取組み促進、広くNCC加盟教会・団体と両教会の交流・協力を訴えた。
閉会礼拝では、金性済KIM SUNG JAE(キム・ソンジェ)副総会会長・名古屋教会牧師が司式、「本来の命と力の回復」と題した説教にて石橋秀雄議長は、 ペテロの最初の説教に魂を打たれた人々の姿を引き、礼拝、聖礼典、そして伝道において本当の命の回復があると説教した。
教団25名、KCCJ34名 の参加だった。(教団新報)

Kyodan News
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