by Aiura Kazuo, retired pastor
Kuala Lumpur Japanese Christian Fellowship
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
On the recommendation of the Kyodan’s Commission on Ecumenical Ministries, I have been serving as a volunteer pastor at the Kuala Lumpur Japanese Christian Fellowship, with my wife Keiko, since April 1 of this year. Our contract is for four months.
Let me briefly introduce the work of KLJCF. In September 1983, the first women’s group meeting was held at the home of Matsumoto Shigeo. At that time, it was decided to hold a women’s meeting every week on Wednesday mornings and to have an evening worship service every month on the third Sunday at 6:30 p.m. The meetings would be held at Matsumoto’s home. The group named themselves the Kuala Lumpur Japanese Christian Fellowship. The core group was made up of Christian families, nine adults and three children, with the pastor of a local church, Phillip Koh, serving as adviser.
In the beginning, the pastor from the Singapore Japanese Christian Fellowship was invited to conduct the worship service. Two years later, in 1985, worship was held in Japanese once a month. Through the kindness of Petaling Jaya Gospel Hall (a large Church of the Brethen congregation), we began to use its facilities for KLJCF gatherings.
We continue to use these facilities, and we have used the name Kuala Lumpur Japanese Christian Fellowship since worshiping here. Since 2002, KLJCF has been jointly served by Pastor Kato Naohiro and Cooperating Pastor Koh. With the decision of the church annual conference in 2005, Kato was installed on July 10 as the first full-time pastor of KLJCF. Kato resigned in March of this year. During his ministry here, there were 27 baptisms.
During my ministry in Japan, I never experienced some of the special characteristics of KLJCF, such as not having one's own sanctuary, an ecumenical membership made up of various denominations as well as Roman Catholics, and frequent changes in membership due to changing assignments to and from Malaysia.
The members of KLJCF are people who have experienced international life in Malaysia and around the world. They are independent, and they speak up and act on everything. Currently we have a worshipping community of around 20 people. Our Sunday School membership is made up of church members’ children, with as many as ten children on some occasions, though we currently have three.
I never dreamed of living in Kuala Lumpur. It is our first experience abroad, so new experiences continue in all aspects of our lives. Currently we are living in the area of Taman Danau Desa, residing in a one-room unit of a large condominium named Danau Idaman. We could easily live the rest of our lives here. The cost of living is about one-third or one-fourth that of Japan. I am experiencing what I had heard as a rumor in Japan: “Malaysia is the place for your second life.”
The are many other gatherings besides the worship service, but using the intervals in between, I am enjoying worshiping in other churches in the city as well as seeing the many sights of Malaysia. (Tr. JS)
ク アラルンプール滞在レポート あいうら相浦かずお和生
は じめまして。日本基督教団隠退教師の相浦です。
KLJCFに つきまして簡単ですが紹介させていただきます。1983年9月、 初めての婦人会が松本繁雄兄宅で開かれ、この席で「毎週一回・
参加者はクリスチャン夫婦を中心に9名+こども3名 で、地元教会の牧師であるフィリップ・許(コー)