日本基督教団 The United Church of Christ in Japan

【December 2019 No.405】Japanese and Korean Christians Jointly Pray for Reconciliation and Peace


Christians between Japan and South Korea held a joint prayer meeting at Nihon Kirisuto Kyokai (Church of Christ in Japan) Kashiwagi Church in Shinjuku, Tokyo on Oct. 9, amid the recent worsening political, economic, and societal relationships between the two nations. In addition to the Kyodan, representatives from the Korean Christian Church in Japan, the Anglican-Episcopal Church in Japan, the Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church, the Japan Baptist Convention, the Japan Baptist Union, the Japan Christian Church, and the Japan Catholic Council for Justice and Peace formed an organization committee to sponsor the event, and the more than 170 participants surpassed expectations.


This event was in response to prayer meetings held on Aug. 11 in South Korea  by church people concerned about the present situation between Korea and Japan. They expressed the hope that Christians in Japan could also hold such a prayer event. About 20 Christians from South Korea came to attend the meeting in Japan. So as fellow Christians who look up to our Lord, who brought reconciliation through the breaking down of barriers through the shedding of his own blood, we joined our hearts together in prayer.

Following messages by Kyodan Moderator Ishibashi Hideo and General Secretary Rev. Dr. Lee Hong-Jung of the National Christian Council in Korea (NCCK), written prayers from ten representative South Korean and Japanese churches and organizations, including the YMCA, were read as part of a litany of prayer. A choir from South Korea also sang hymns of praise, which made the prayers for reconciliation and peace all the more powerful. Likewise, there was a report from a team that had visited Pyongyang in North Korea in July, and although the flow is indeed only a trickle, the Lord of reconciliation and peace is working in that situation. (Tr. TB)

—Akiyama Toru, Kyodan general secretary





また、この集会で7月に平壌を訪れた訪問団の報告会も行われ、北朝鮮人民共和国のキリスト者との交流の、まだ細い流れではあるが、和解と贖罪の主の導きによる歩みが始まっていることの報告を受けた。(秋山 徹)

Kyodan News
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